Friday, June 23, 2006

Our Riveting Monotony

Well, we now have a full house for a few days, and everybody has been having their turn with Luke. Between mom feeding, two grandparents, and Amber, I haven't seen him too much over the last day. But it's ok, I learn from the experienced people. And I can blog more! Lucky you...

Not too much to talk about today, other than our visitors. Amber got in last night, saw Luke, and crashed on the couch, and then dad got here this morning at the Manhattan airport. We've had a pretty lazy day, with only a visit to El Cazador to break the monotony. Dad and I fixed grilled chicken salads for dinner tonight- a couple from church got us a roast with veggies today, but we didn't get it in the crockpot in time, so we went simple (we'll have the roast tomorrow- thanks Uncle Carl and Sarah!). We've had a few folks bring us meals over the last few days, and that's great. Saves us time and money, and we are very thankful for all of it. Dad also brought some scrapple with him so I get to have some of that this week too. Excellent...

I'll caption these pictures and get back to our hectic day of movie watching and board games...

This is the edited for content version of Luke eating

Pop Pop meets his new grandson

The Grandparents Scott with their new favorite child

Mr. Expressionate

"Aunt" Amber and Luke

This was the highlight moment of the day...a group nap

Steve and Luke (with Snoop in the background)

Luke in the carseat

This last one is for Randy and Jamie just to prove that I know the hat was for Luke once he grew into it...


Anonymous said...

Chris and Mindy-
Your little boy is adorable. Kady and I had a fun time looking thru all his pictures and seeing how much he has changed in just two weeks. She was particularly impressed with seeing Chris actually changing a diaper. She told me he must "just be wet because boys don't change poopy diapers". (I think her daddy has been feeding her some lines already)
We are getting anxious and hopefully sometime within the next week or two we will have a little boy around here ourselves. I am just trying not to get my hopes up too much! - You know how that is Mindy.
Congratulations! Enjoy these moments - they go way too fast!!!
Anita, Chris, and Kadynce

Anonymous said...

He looks a little angry, I don't think he likes his car seat very much!

Anonymous said...

However, he seems to really enjoy Snoop! :)

Anonymous said...

What an adorable baby. I am so glad we are still in your address book. I am still writing the military guys and got to hug one today. I had never met him and he just returned from basic. We are sending three guys from our church to Iraq and I will be writing them, too.
I am going to enjoy the picture and your comments. It is great to know that Chris is still home and hopefully will be for a while.
Remember: enjoy every moment. They grow up way too fast.

Anonymous said...

Hey this is for Steve Scott. Congratulations to the parents of course and the new grandparents! I know Steve couldn't wait to get there to see his new little grandson. He was so excited. It is great to be able to see all of the pictures. Enjoy yourself - RBI isn't falling apart TOO much without you here. Have fun and give him a hug for me. I love little babies!!!