Saturday, June 10, 2006

Home Sweet Home

Ahhh… we’re finally home. They let us leave the hospital at about 2:30 pm this afternoon, and we were quite happy to escape. We literally begged the nurse to let us go. They had to have the doctor come by, check out the baby and Mindy, and then we got a long briefing from the nurse on all sorts of topics. It took forever…

But we’re back. After a nice long struggle with the baby carrier- why is it so hard to buckle? - we took Luke downstairs and put him in the car. It was his first time outside, and he was greeted by muggy, rainy, Kansas weather. Mindy made sure to tell him that this was The World, and that it was an exciting place. I think he may believe that the route from our house to the hospital is all this world has to offer. Poor kid.

Our friends Corey and Holly Rozenboom had stopped by to see us (who am I kidding; to see Luke) and so we talked with them for awhile and Holly got to hold Luke. Mindy’s folks ran out to the store and picked up a new rocker with an ottoman for Mindy and the baby. Steve and I put it together and squeezed it through the door to our “nursery.” It works pretty well, and Mindy has been using it for nursing.

Now we’re all settled in and it’s nice to not be bothered every few minutes. Luke has been feeding well all day, and he had a nice big poop tonight to top it all off- guess who got to clean that one up? So it’s great to be home. Mindy loves it, even though our house is a disaster after being surprised by the labor and not having cleaned. It looks like the store baby department dropped off every piece of equipment they had in our living room. But she’s just happy to be able to live outside of one room. We’ll see how tonight goes for our first night home with baby.


Unknown said...

Congrats, congrats. I just stumbled upon your blog and have read through the entire thing already! I have a one-year-old, so reading about your first nights with the baby brought back memories! Good luck!

Oh, and BTW, I read that you will be going to Ft. Gordon in December -- my Aunt is a Colonel there. Small world!

Anonymous said...

I am happy ya'll are home. I miss you guys, and I hate that little Luke will be two weeks old before I get to see him...but I guess thats what I get for moving away. Much love and I am wishing you lots of sleep (haha).
