Monday, June 05, 2006

The Final Countdown

First of all, thank you so much for the e-mails and comments! I’m sorry I haven’t had a chance to respond (or return phone calls) to any yet, but I’m working on it. Chris and I have been going 24/7 lately…we’ve been gone pretty much every evening and night of the week for the last 2-3 weeks. I didn’t think I’d have the energy to be this busy toward the end of the pregnancy, but it does help the time go by faster.

Well, it’s not looking like baby will be coming early. I had my 38 week appt last week and he said I was progressing, but nothing really big yet. My cervix is soft, about 50-60% effaced, the baby is at -2- -1 in station and his head is posterior (which hopefully will rotate between now and labor…otherwise it may be an even more painful delivery then if his head was in the right position!) So it looks like we have some time yet (much to my disappointment). However, the doctor we saw was very nice and personable…and I hear he makes the best forceps delivery there is (which may come in handy if the head remains posterior…if he’s on duty when I go into labor that is.) =) Other than being incredibly uncomfortable, slow moving, and making 100 trips to the bathroom everyday, not much has changed.

It’s very weird to think that we’re in the home stretch of this pregnancy. At the most we only have 3 more weeks at which point I will be induced and only one more week till my due date – June 12th. At this point I’m as ready as I’ll ever be to get this labor thing over with. The baby is only getting bigger the longer he’s in there! I know God knows best though, so I’ll try to be patient until that time.

The discomforts of pregnancy begin to multiply even more so at this point. Not only do I feel like that dying beetle with legs and arms flailing every time I try to get up, but now I’m holding enough fluid to fill an ocean. From head to toe I’ve started to swell up with fluid. I had to take off my wedding ring a few weeks ago before it got stuck permanently and cut off circulation to my finger. I’m also down to flip flops and running shoes. None of my cute little shoes fit anymore much to my dismay. Luckily I know that this fluid retention is something that will be cured with the birth of the baby.

So how much weight have I gained? Well it depends on how you look at it. From start weight I’ve gained about 25-30 pounds. If you count from the lowest weight I made it to in the very sick part of my pregnancy…well lets see…I lost almost 20 pounds off of my start weight…so just add that to the above…45-50 pounds.

Enough about pregnancy for now. I am excited for the baby to come and as miserable as it is to be pregnant, I know it will all be worth it the minute Little Luke is born. He’s a precious gift from God and I can’t wait to meet him!

In other news, Chris got his official orders for Captain's Course. It’s more official than a reserved place, so as long as nothing crazy happens, we’ll definitely be moving mid-December. Other than that, Chris has been doing the work thing, the golf thing, and the paintball thing. I told him his life would change once the baby came, but he might as well enjoy his freedom while he can.

Well that’s all for now. We’ll write more later!

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