Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Doctor Day

Today was Luke's first doctor's appointment since we left the hospital. It was at 8 am, which was fun since we had been up late last night trying to get Luke to stop crying. He's been sleepy during the day but fussy from about 9 to 1 at night. Once we get the night routine down, it's a fairly regular pattern, but those first few hours are painful. We got to the hospital and headed for the basement, where the nurses from Saturday told us the baby clinic was......and promptly realized they were wrong and it was on the first floor. At least when you look lost and you're carrying a baby, people can pretty much figure out what you're looking for.

We checked in with the clinic, and the guy working the desk reminded me of an aging hipster, only with an NPR voice. He was nice though, and when one of his buddies came in they talked sports like they were on PTI. I love people. OK, no I don't, but this guy was cool.

We checked in with the nurse, and when we told her we were having problems nursing, she said she was a lactation consultant and could help us out. After the doctor saw Luke- no issues, by the way- she came and saw us and spent 30 mins or so helping with latch and burping techniques. It was really helpful, and Mindy was very happy to have the one on one assistance. So far it's been working, although with a few snags here and there. But I think we know what the problems are and can correct them as we go along now. So I take back what I said about government health care. For now.

Here's some more pics for the grandparents far, far away...

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