Sunday, March 22, 2009

This is how we brush our teeth...

Both boys LOVE to brush their teeth. I don't know how long it will last - but I'll take it! =) All you have to say to Will is, "It's time to brush your teeth," and off he takes at lightning speed chattering and squealing with jubilation towards the sink. He'll even climb up on his stool by the sink at random points of the day just hoping I'll pull the toothbrush out for him.

Luke enjoys it as well - and always insists, "let me do it..." Which I do...but I also always brush both of their teeth as well...I'm not sure they do a complete thorough job of it yet. =) But their favorite part is definitely when they get to take the brush and do it themselves.

So, how long do you think it'll last...will I soon be standing over them saying, "If you don't brush your teeth right this minute...." =) Believe me, I'm relishing in their joy of brushing their teeth while it lasts!

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Saturday, March 21, 2009

Meeting Julianne

Last Sunday, Luke and Will were able to meet their new cousin! We dropped by the hospital after church. Luke was very excited and very sweet with Julianne. He held her (with help of course) and said to her in his very sweet voice, "you're fine, don't cry...she's soft..." He loved touching her head and giving her kisses. He was extremely gentle and loving and it was SO sweet!

Will wasn't really sure what to think. He was super tired from missing his morning nap...and I think he's still a bit young to completely understand what's going on. It won't be long until Julianne and him are the best of buds though.

Tonight, Julianne got to "meet" Uncle Chris for the first time. We set up a time Chris could webcam and Randy and Jamie were able to show off their new bundle of joy! Chris was very happy to get to meet her...even though half the world separates him from seeing and holding her in person. He'll be anxious to get his turn when he comes back on block leave sometime this summer.

I am in dire need to update more...but it'll have to's almost midnight and I'm super tired. I have lots of projects going right now - so things have been very busy. Will seems to have hit a growth spurt - which has made for some long nights and extra nursing sessions (just when I thought he was getting close to being weaned!!) These two things combined equals a brain that just doesn't function right at this hour. So hopefully soon...hopefully...I know I always say that and never come through...=)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Anyone up for helping me with a man-on-the-street video project? It's super easy - all you have to do is answer four opinion type questions with brief, short n' sweet answers. All answers given will be signed as anonymous in the video, so no names will be used. So if you have a few spare seconds, I would really really appreciate your thoughts! =)


1. If you could ask God to do ANYTHING for you, what would it be?

2. If you could do anything for mankind, what would it be?

3. Who has been your biggest inspiration? Why?

4. Does our country's current economic situation concern you? Why?

Thank you SOOOOOO much!!

Monday, March 16, 2009

March 06, 07, 08 and 09

Just for the fun of it...

March 2006

Half-way through my pregnancy with Luke...

March 2007

Luke is 9 months old here...

March 2008

Luke is 21 months old and Will is 1 1/2 months old...

March 2009

Luke is 2 years and 9 months and Will is 13 1/2 months old

They grow up so fast!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Julianne is here!

We are officially Uncle Chris and Aunt Mindy now! YAYYYY!!!!! =) We are super excited about the birth of our beautiful, absolutely adorable, perfect in every way niece, Julianne Lynne.

We are so happy for Randy and Jamie as they embark on this wonderful adventure called parenthood. They are absolutely WONDERFUL parents! Congratulations Randy and Jamie! Welcome to the world baby Julianne! We love you all!!

Randy and Jamie anxiously waiting for their sweet baby to come!

I love my Jamie!

It's a girl! Mommy finally gets to meet her precious bundle of joy!

Daddy finally gets to cuddle his lovely little girl!

Mommy, Daddy and Julianne!

Randy surprises Steve, Judy and I with the announcement, "Meet your new...granddaughter!"

These are two super proud grandparents!

And I am one super proud Aunt!

Lot's of texting was happening!

Isn't she just amazingly precious?!

Monday, March 02, 2009

Snow Day!

Last night it snowed. I was really hoping spring was on its way in...but apparently not! =)

Anyway, the roads were pretty bad, so it became a snow day for most businesses, schools, jobs, etc. of the town.

Here are a few pictures of how we spent some of our day! Michelle, Landon, Guka, Luke and I hit the slopes with our sleds...well - the driveway for the most part - and a few times down a larger hill in our neighbor's yard. =) It was ca-ca-ca-ca-cooooold, but we had a good time. Will and MeMe stayed in where it was warm...which I think they're both glad about! =)

More later!

Luke on the sled...

Michelle pushing Landon on the sled...

Michelle pushing Luke on the sled...

Guka braving the bigger hill in our neighbor's yard...

Luke wanted to brave it too!

A snow day isn't complete without a snowball fight!

And the perfect end...grilled cheese, chicken noodle soup...and...

Hot Chocolate!