Friday, June 09, 2006

A Night To Remember

We made it through the first night together, and all of us- mom, dad, and baby- are still alive....a miracle considering how little we know of taking care of babies. It's just like a dog, right? Put some food on the floor and let it run around on a chain outside...

Last night was defintely eye-opening, at least for me (this is Chris if you don't know me or couldn't tell from the dog comment- I know I promised Mindy would post next, but she's still in the hospital and I am your only source...sorry). Every 2-3 hours we had to wake him up, Mindy would feed him- something I cannot do if you know what I mean- and then we would wait patiently for him to poop. And boy, is that newborn poop nasty- think roofing tar. Mindy has so far changed zero diapers, so I am becoming quite the expert. I told her I would give her a class when we got home since she would need to know it. Anyway, it made for a fun time as we tried to find our rhythm in all of it. But he survived, and all appears to be well. We were both completely exhausted. Mindy still hasn't gotten a really good rest. Considering until early this morning we hadn't hardly slept since Tuesday/Wednesday night, we were both smoked. This will be the hard part for me, since I likes my sleep, and once I'm there I'm out- Mindy had to hit me with a pillow to tell me she thought her water had broken. She really is a lot tougher than I am.

He got circumcised this morning, which is much more simple and easy than it seemed to be. I always thought it would be some old Jewish guy with a scalpel. But we're not supposed to put anything on it, even vaseline, and this little cap they used just falls off after a few days. I prefer not to think about it too much, as my own version of sympathy pain kicks in.

We had lots of visitors yesterday, and should have some more today. This doesn't count the 300 nurses, doctors, PA's, PA students, nursing students, and D-FAC workers that come and go and always seem to need to poke and prod Luke when we just got him to relax and try to sleep. Mindy's whole family is here now, and we had lots of people from church show up to see the baby as well. A lot of them were happy to see Mindy looking so relieved from being pregnant. The hospital keeps first time moms there for 48 hours, so we'll head home Saturday morning from the looks of it. There's absolutely nothing wrong with Luke (he scored an 8 on the very first Apgar test- a 9 on the 2nd- for those of you who know what that is and care), so we should be out right on time. This of course means he will be a cranky little monster once we get him home, but he's pretty cute right now.

So far what do I think? I think it'll be a pretty awesome experience. It honestly was the most surreal thing yesterday to see them pull him out, and then look over at him and think that little guy was now our responsibility. Yikes- don't they know I'm not even remotely qualified? I will on the other hand have lots of fun with it, and I'm sure that his early years will be filled with the obvious Star Wars quotes and laughter that he will have to become accustomed to in order to carry the Scott name. I've already taken to saying "Do you need help, little man?" when he's crying over something (this will only be funny to those who have seen that clip from Scare Tactics). Anyway, I'll keep updating as often as I can- I'd say daily, but most of you know that may fall away soon. I'll definitely get Mindy's side of this whole thing as soon as we get back home and settle in on Saturday. Until then, you're stuck with me. But I'll leave you with another picture of Melinda and Child.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Chris and Mindy! I was forwarded your exciting blog. I know you will both adore being parents -- It is truly the most rewarding thing in the world! Tell Luke that Mike, Beth and Gracyn say Welcome!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful gift you have been given! Congrats to all of you for a safe arrival and a handsome and healthy baby boy. We can't wait to meet him someday. I'm glad you survived the first night - it's one of the hardest. Enjoy every moment of this child's goes by SO fast!! Love you guys.