Thursday, June 29, 2006

Happy Birthday Mindy!

Today is Mindy's 25th birthday, so let's all sing to her...

Happy birthday to you;
Happy birthday to you;
Happy birthday dear Mindy;
Happy birthday to you!

Okay, now don't we all feel better? I didn't think so. But feel free to leave your birthday wishes to her in the comments. We went to Chili's and to the Mall to celebrate (while we waited for our car to get a new windshield), and Mindy got a few new wardrobe additions. I don't know what, since I haven't gotten the fashion show yet. I'll let you ladies worry about that one. I just enjoyed the food. To cap it all off, Mindy fed Luke at Chili's after we ate, and he decided to throw up in my lap. Thank you, son. Thank you very much.

(Yes, my mom is pointing at my crotch)

Today is also 3 weeks to the day of post-Mindy life for Luke. He is doing really well. He's got all the usual things they warned us about in childbrith class, like baby acne and peeling skin. It takes a little getting used to but he's still cute. We're definitely getting a better rhythm down with him. Mindy feeds him, we burp him and he usually spits up some (or a lot), and then he'll calm down and sleep. So far my dad has been showing us all up with his calming prowess. I think he just has more patience than any of us, but he gets the job done and well. Burping is the key, all you prospective parents out there. A few burps and he's ready to sleep.

He does have waking time as well where he's not crying or feeding. We've been trying to put him on a play mat to stimulate him a little bit while he's real young. He also enjoys getting in the swing or getting in his bouncy chair. Well, at least I think he does. He just won't open up to me...

Nighttime has been getting a little easier as the days go by. We've gotten a quasi-routine in where Mindy feeds him, we go to bed, and then he gets up two times during the night. Mindy has been really good with him- not a surprise, but it's nice to see it in action. When she feeds him she sometimes needs my help; he still wants to stick his arm in front of his face when he eats. We've been mastering the discreet feeding as well, like today at Chili's. Luke has reverted a little bit, and is being more fussy when he eats, and sometimes it takes awhile to get him to latch on right. A little perserverance seems to be working though, and hopefully we'll get out of the slump a little. Today was also bath day again. He was doing great until I dumped a cup of water on his head and some got in his mouth. he started wailing at that one. Otherwise, he smells a lot better now. Although, the baby shampoo/wash always reminds me of the birth. They put it on Luke's head as he came out to lubricate the whole process. I really have to get over the visions of blood when we wash him...I'm turning into a Stephen King novel I think.

Anyway, here's another random assortment of pictures for you to enjoy. Don't forget to wish Mindy a happy birthday!

Baby watching

Mommy and baby (yeah, he was a little fussy there)

A visual comparison of our baby and our cat...and yes, Tiger wins

Beautiful birthday girl and Mr. Cheeseball


Sunday, June 25, 2006

Tonight, we dedicate our son...

Boy, we've had quite a busy weekend. Saturday we headed out to the mall in Manhattan to do a little shopping. We hit a few department stores looking for some clothes for Mindy, and for an outfit for Luke's dedication on Sunday. Dad, Luke and I ditched the ladies in JC Penney looking for Mindy's stuff. We took him to the sports store and checked out some other places along the way. He slept the whole time, thereby proving that he likes to make everyone think he is an angel. Alright, I guess he is- even if he cries a lot. We had to change him after spending a few hours at the mall, so the best place to do it ended up being the trunk of our car.

Next we went to Panera Bread, where Mindy could go into the back room to nurse while we all ate. I had the Bacon Turkey Bravo, in case anyone was wondering. After that, we went to a baby store nearby (Hey Baby) and checked out what they had there for mom and baby. Luke was a little fussy there, but I found a way to rock him in his carrier that seemed to quiet him a little bit. Mom bought Mindy and I a gift while we were there; it was a figurine of a mother and father holding a newborn. They wrapped it all up for her, and we opened it when we got home. And of course, we had to imitate it...

Once we got back it was early evening, and dad and I headed to JC to go to Wal-Mart and take a movie back. While we were gone the ladies had planned on bathing him, but Luke ended up eating so much that that was all they did. They did eventually get him a bath, but not until like 10:00 pm. Here's what it looked like:

What a cutie. He really looks peaceful there, huh? Well, looks can be deceiving. Mindy and Amber said Luke made them speed bathe him...

This morning we got him ready to go to church for his dedication. We dressed him in his new clothes, and Mindy and I dressed up so Luke wouldn't show us up. Luke was great during the dedication. He was awake but just looked around the whole time trying to figure out what was going on. He has some awesome eyes! Pastor did the ceremony, which was just a quick dedication of Luke to God and to the church, and a pledge from Mindy and I and the congregation that we would raise him to know the Lord. It was very nice. Since we were dressed up, of course we ended up taking lots of pictures. I won't swamp the blog with all of them, but here's a few highlights.

Sunday afternoon was spent napping, our new favorite pastime around this house. Luke got his nap in before we went to church in the evening, even though Grandpa kept him up for a little while playing.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Our Riveting Monotony

Well, we now have a full house for a few days, and everybody has been having their turn with Luke. Between mom feeding, two grandparents, and Amber, I haven't seen him too much over the last day. But it's ok, I learn from the experienced people. And I can blog more! Lucky you...

Not too much to talk about today, other than our visitors. Amber got in last night, saw Luke, and crashed on the couch, and then dad got here this morning at the Manhattan airport. We've had a pretty lazy day, with only a visit to El Cazador to break the monotony. Dad and I fixed grilled chicken salads for dinner tonight- a couple from church got us a roast with veggies today, but we didn't get it in the crockpot in time, so we went simple (we'll have the roast tomorrow- thanks Uncle Carl and Sarah!). We've had a few folks bring us meals over the last few days, and that's great. Saves us time and money, and we are very thankful for all of it. Dad also brought some scrapple with him so I get to have some of that this week too. Excellent...

I'll caption these pictures and get back to our hectic day of movie watching and board games...

This is the edited for content version of Luke eating

Pop Pop meets his new grandson

The Grandparents Scott with their new favorite child

Mr. Expressionate

"Aunt" Amber and Luke

This was the highlight moment of the day...a group nap

Steve and Luke (with Snoop in the background)

Luke in the carseat

This last one is for Randy and Jamie just to prove that I know the hat was for Luke once he grew into it...

Thursday, June 22, 2006

2 weeks and rolling...

It's been a fun couple of days here at the house. Since Mom got in we've done...well, not much at all actually. Tuesday night I had another softball game. Luke got to watch his dad hit like a little girl in teeball. We lost, but we had great motivation. Not that motivation wins the game; evidently it loses the game, 15-2.

Mindy and Mom spent most of their days since at home. Between holding, looking at, and feeding Luke, their schedule was pretty busy. He's been sleeping great during the day- it's amazing. He's really not been that bad at night; I think it just gets exacerbated when he wakes us up to feed. OK, once again, wakes Mindy up to feed. But hey, she wakes me up if she needs to move his hand away from his mouth. That makes it feel like I'm awake several times a night. But he needs to feed every few hours anyway, so for awhile this is how it'll be. Once he starts eating a bit less, he'll (hopefully) sleep longer through the night. Please, dear Lord, let that statement be true.

Luke had his second week doctor's appointment this morning (he's exactly 2 weeks today). After we watched the U.S. totally choke in the World Cup, we headed out to the hospital (with much more success at finding the clinic this time). They said he was in great health, with no issues. That was pretty reassuring. He cried through the whole thing, but that was because they made us keep him in just his diaper, so he was pretty cold. They gave us a few infant care tips, and sent us on our way.

We have a few more visitors coming in over the next 24 hrs. Amber comes to visit for a few days starting tonight, and then tomorrow my dad gets in to see him. He'll be here until the 4th of July. We've arranged to dedicate him (Luke, not my Dad) this Sunday at church. Mindy also wants to do another dedication in the next few months with her grandfather, who was the pastor that dedicated her when she was a baby. We'll make sure to get those pictures up here as well.

So, as usual, here's pictures...

The Three (Tired) Amigos

See, I know how to take care of babies...

This one is for Uncle Randy...Luke's head is too small and mine is much too large...but thanks for the hat!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

You're It!

Well, we swapped grandparents today. Steve and Jan said goodbye....

And we said hello to Judy...

Steve and Jan took off around 10:00am to head back to St. Louis. I promised I would keep posting for them now, since they are now the long distance grandparents.

Mom's flight got into Manhattan at around 11:30am, after a hellish ride through a thunderstorm between KC and Topeka. Despite her green demeanor, she was very excited to see Luke. She is now resting on the couch holding her sleeping grandchild- she said this is what she would do the whole time she was here. So, everyone, she's safe and sound and happy holding her new grandson. I leave you with more pics...