Friday, December 26, 2008

Merry Christmas!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!

I'll post more later, but here are a few Christmas pictures in the meantime!

Friday, December 12, 2008

My Angels

I wish I had more time to blog, but things are just very overwhelmingly busy right now. So, until I can sit down and write out a new update blog, here are some pictures!

The boys looking dapper in there "Sunday clothes."

Luke's "angelic" look...

Luke was in the children's Christmas program. His Caravan class helped make up the "Angel Band." He may look super serious in these pictures, but he was actually really enjoying himself. He was taking it all in the entire time! After we sat down, he asked to "do it gin (again)?"

We will be heading out to my parents house next week! We are super excited! I'll make sure to post pictures from our trip while we're out there.
Until Then...

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Hap-Hap-Happy Holidays!

I guess since I’ve been called out, I must answer…thanks honey!

If you have ever deployed you know the holiday seasons usually suck out here. I’ll give the Army credit- they try real hard, but it’s just not the same and everyone knows it. The best you can really muster is to create a nice holiday atmosphere and throw some turkey at the troops and call it a day. It’s been tough to really get in the holiday spirit out here. A few trees and lights have gone up and there are a few more Christmas-y AFN commercials, but there is just no way to truly get in the holiday spirit.

We had Thanksgiving just like everyone else…only earlier. The feast-o-plenty was right at lunch time, which is just a little too early for my liking. We ended up going at around 1pm (aka 1300 if you’re not into the whole brevity thing), and from reports I heard from the soldiers before we went, there was quite a line. Turns out they were absolutely right. The DFAC here is gargantuan, and the line stretched for a long, long ways. It ended up taking 45 minutes to get through, but in the end it was a fun time. They had soldiers dressed like pilgrims and indians, random paper mache sculptures (made by our far-eastern third country national DFAC workers, so the designs ranged from weird ducks to crazy looking dragons). They even broke out the real silverware and plates for the occasion- we usually only get plastic ware.

Lunch itself was not bad. It was turkey loaf, ham, and a few cafeteria-style sides. In all, a meal is what you make it, so we all had a good time. Here’s a couple pictures:

This is the line ends on the far wall, way way back. The line outside was even longer.
My delicious KBR Thanksgiving...
I got really wasted on sparkling cider.

Since Turkey Day, it’s been back to normal for the time being. Same work schedules, same routines. I did a little Christmas shopping over the past few weeks…first online, and then at the bazaar they have over at one of the larger camps that surround the airport. My online shopping was mostly for the boys, and I spent WAY more than I would normally, but hey, it’s Christmas and I’m thousands of miles away from my sons…sue me if I spoil them a little.
The bazaar was pretty nice here. It’s basically a little warehouse where local vendors can come and sell Iraqi “stuff” to the soldiers. They have all sorts of random things there- crafts, rugs, furniture, electronics, souvenirs…you name it they sold it. One thing that really stood out (mostly because I am a huge cheapskate) was how expensive everything is now. Back in 2003 when I first deployed, I got a bunch of souvenirs for one low price. Five years later and change, these guys have really picked up on how to make dough off of this little occupation we got going on over here. Haggling works to an extent, but the start price is so far past the actual value that you’re still paying through the nose.
One other thing that caught my attention was a little memorial they had in the warehouse that was dedicated to the vendors who had died. All of them were killed in very tragic ways- IEDs, assassinations, etc., simply because they were working with the Americans. It was very sobering, and a reminder of how much these guys sacrifice to make a living. Even though I felt like what they sold was a little pricey, I guess it put things in perspective and made me a little more giving. It is the season, isn’t it?

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Picture Update

Chris was supposed to blog on Thanksgiving. And because I'm such an awesome wife (haha!), I'm calling him now he'll be obligated to blog soon...if you all harass him enough. =) I know some of you would enjoy a dose of Chris's sarcastic wit.

Life has been extraordinarily busy the past few weeks. It is a very busy time of the year. We are doing oodles of projects for the Visual Productions Ministry so that keeps my evenings filled to the brim with editing videos.

We are also gearing up for Christmas. I plan to go through the advent calendar with Luke this year. Since Luke is only 2, I think keeping it simple is key - I don't think he's ready to discuss theology yet. =) Luke will also be in the children's Christmas program at church. His Caravan class is singing a song. I'm excited to see how he'll do. Nothing will surprise me! He may get bashful and throw a huge fit - or he may sing his little heart out. All I know is it will be caught on video tape! =)

We have also started our Christmas shopping in earnest! I can think of a million things to get for Luke...but it's hard to buy for Will. He likes Luke's toys more than his own...and he's still at the age where the boxes and wrapping paper are more fun than the contents. I'm sure he'll be more than happy to be crawling around in the mountains of colorful paper and stealing Luke's toys.

I will be heading to my parents house for Christmas. I'm very excited! I haven't seen most of my family since we left for Germany, so it'll be good to see everyone again. Luke is very excited about getting on an airplane and having Grandpa and Grandma J come pick us up at the airport. It's only a two hour flight, but I chose to only get two seats and hold Will. Maybe I should have bought 3 seats...Will is the squirmiest child I have ever seen in my life. Holding him for 2 hours may be near impossible! We may be the first people kicked off an airplane mid-flight...while in the air...keep an eye on the news for that story...

Anyway, here are some pictures to play catch up. I have no idea how soon I'll be able to update again as I have 8 video's to edit for church over the next few weeks....which is actually a lesser number than I had two weeks ago - whhooohooo, making progress! =)

Maybe you'll be hearing from Chris soon...

Boys will be boys...Luke and Will roughhousing...

Will loves to smile!

The boys playing in Luke's room...

Will loves to drive around the cars...

This rarely happens, but Luke fell asleep waiting to eat supper one night. He had just gotten a new winter coat and refused to take it off. Guess is was super warm and cozy - and put him right to sleep! Maybe I should put it on him for nap time....

Will playing in the kitchen - "Hey mama, I can see myself in here!"

Randy and Jamie - Jamie is over halfway through her pregnancy! She has the cutest baby bump! Boy or girl you ask? It's a suprise!

Steve and Judy - my in-laws - also my landlords - hehehe! All kidding aside, Steve and Judy have selflessly opened up their home, generously shared their space and sacrificially given of their time and energy to help me and the boys. It has been a big adjustment for them to have a nice, peaceful and quiet home go to a loud, exhausting, rambunctious, all consuming house full of children...and me. =) I know it's not always easy - and I know that it's extremely exhausting - but I am more thankful than words can express. They never complain about us being here and have always made us feel very welcome. I feel extremely fortunate to be a part of their family. Thank you Steve and Judy for letting me make your home our home too for the time being.

Luke checking out the turkey...
Jamie's awesome homemade dinner rolls!

Randy entertaining Will!

Chelsey, me, Jamie and Nancy enjoying some girl time!

Will enjoying his Thanksgiving meal...

Yay for Thankgiving!
Luke getting a kiss from his friend!

Christmas decorating:
I decided to let Luke have a little tree in his room - all decked out with CARS ornaments. I let him help me decorate it - and he decided to hang all the ornaments on one branch. After spreading them out and several attempts to tell him not to touch them anymore, I realized I had bought this tree and these decorations for HIS enjoyment. So, I told him he could play with the ornaments, but not the beads or the lights. Sooooo, after these pictures were taken, he took off all the ornaments to play with- and who knows where half of them are right now! If you were to see the tree at this very moment, it would look pretty bare ! Oh well, he still likes having it in his room.

Here is just an example of what he did with the ornaments later that night...he decorated everything he could find!

The BIG tree:
After a very successful day of shopping yesterday, we walked in the house to see that Guka had put up the tree. Luke was very impressed!
He was so excited about having a BIG tree in the living room, that he ran to his room and took the star off his little tree to put on the big tree. Of course the star looks tiny on the big tree, but it was so sweet that he wanted to share his star - the memory of his sweetness makes the star just perfect for the top of the tree.
Later, Luke went out to help Guka hang the outside lights. He had a blast being Guka's little helper!
That very night, there was a boat parade on the river. We rushed down to the river to watch the decorated boats pass by.
This afternoon, everyone worked on more Christmas decorating. Luke was loving it!

Luke had insisted MeMe buy Guka a snowman tie while we were out Christmas shopping, so here it is!
Here are a few random pics of Will...I need to get his picture by the tree too!
Standing tall!

He shares in his father and older brother's interest in geography...or maybe he just likes the songs the globe plays....=)
Nighty night!