Thursday, May 29, 2008

What Chris Wants

(Edit: Once again, the day I post, Mindy sneaks one in on me. So skip this and then come back, because there are cute pictures of Will in the entry prior to this one.)

Alright, I officially declare this blog entry to be the “What Chris Wants” blog. Let the bidding commence. I expect lots of chocolate items, and if you could send perishable refrigerated goods, I would appreciate them as well. Nothing like a melted Snickers washed down by some spoiled milk!

OK, I know I sound like I’m begging when I write blogs like this, but I swear it’s ok if you don’t send me anything. You can just send a card and I’ll think you thought long and hard about me for at least a few minutes, and that works for me. So by no means am I saying I HAVE to have the items I put down here. We have a PX here that usually has the basics, a DFAC that serves four meals a day, and I honestly can survive on what I have currently. Everything else is icing on the cake…if by cake you mean being stuck in the middle of the desert. And on the opposite side of the spectrum, I will warn you that some of what you send me will get shared with other soldiers…I love boxes full of candy and junk food, but I certainly won’t eat all of it by myself. So with that spelled out, here we go.

Stuff I can always use:
Paper towels
Trash bags
Shampoo- I usually use Dove, but hey let’s face it- I’m thinning AND I’m in the Army, so whatever works
Soap- If you go bar, Irish Spring Sport; if you go body wash, you pick
Toothpaste- Crest Regular paste please! Ask my mom, I’m picky…
Baby Wipes- Small packs of unscented flushable are best
AT&T Pre-paid calling cards
Small to medium plastic food storage containers- great for keeping vermin out of the snacks

TV Shows on DVD- Huge! The only show I don’t need is "Lost," so anything else is great
Movies- Anything will do, especially recent releases
Playstation 2 games- yes I still have one of those…
Puzzle Books- I dig crosswords (not the easy kind!), Sudoku, word jumbles, etc.
Books- History, biographies, or useless trashy novels
Magazines- News, sports, entertainment
Small Devotionals- not really entertainment, but I didn’t know where else to put it

Food I like:
Beef/Chicken/Whatever Jerky and everything in that vein
Trail Mix
Mixed nuts
Granola and Granola Bars
Crackers- Wheat Thins, triscuits, Cheez-its, stuff like that
Cookies- Chips Ahoy, Fig Newtons, Nilla Wafers, etc
Small amounts of sweets- I have to keep my girlish figure, people…

Finally, I always love to just get letters and other random stuff in the mail. I am the worst letter writer ever, but when you’re over here getting letters is awesome. You can write about the latest and greatest news, include some pictures, news clippings, whatever…that stuff always reminds me there’s an actual real world out there. Plus I would really love to find out what’s going on in your lives since I don’t think I’ve talked to half of you in a year or more.

Like I said, this is just a give-you-an-idea list, not an “only get me this!” list. Please don't feel limited; I did this only to give you a suggestion if you'd like to send something. I live pretty well…your tax dollars, while thrown away in buckets over here most times, is actually well spent on living conditions. And I must say that there are guys living out in the COPs who live much worse than I do- I know I have it good, and I definitely appreciate that fact.

Thanks in advance!

1 comment:

Teniah Ashlyn said...

HELLO....I need an address! haha....I'm sure you gave it like a zillion blogs back, but can you post it once more? Thanks!!