Saturday, May 24, 2008

Haircuts, Bath time and Tags!


Well, we did it! We cut Luke’s hair today. If you knew how much Luke screamed, hollered and fights against this, you would know what kind of feat we just performed! Anyway, I thought I would post before and after pics. Mind you, this is my first attempt at cutting Luke’s hair…Chris has always done it before. Luke of course screamed like we were cutting his toes off, but MeMe hugged him throughout the whole process and that helped keep him manageable.

Before: He's looking at the clippers in this pic...see how terrified he is!

Me with the clippers and the bad the bee strategy doesn’t work anymore...

After: he's waiting for his promised piece of pie here...

Bath Time...

I thought it would be fun to compare bath pictures of Will. Today he is 4 months old. Crazy! Where does the time go!

Here is Will on Feb. 2nd - a little over a week old

Here he is tonight - exactly 4 months old!

This morning we went to Idar-Oberstien to get MeMe’s train ticket. We are sad that the day is nearing that she has to leave. =( But hopefully Will’s passport will come in soon and we will be free to fly back to the states. Annnnnyway, while we were walking up to the train station, Luke wanted to chase the pigeons and “ugg” (hug) them. Most people would cringe at the thought of hugging a pigeon (though I think they’re cute) but he was quite adamant about it. I told him that I didn’t think the pigeon would want to be hugged – and he seemed to accept that explanation.

After we got the train ticket, we went to Hertie (a German store) and did some shopping. Luke got some fun things and even Will got a little toy. I don't often buy on the economy because of how horrible the Euro rate is, but I let loose today and picked up a few things. That’s what the COLA’s (Cost of Living Allowance) for after all right? =)

MeMe, Luke and Will in front of the train station in Idar...
MeMe and Will at the bakery in Hertie...
Cutie Pie!
Luke LOVED the escalator! We had to ride it 3 times!
Luke latched on to this stuffed pig at Hertie, so I bought it for him - it's name is Pigsley! He calls it "Pigs"...

Tagged - you're it!

I was "tagged" to write 6 random things about myself from Anita, and I was also tagged awhile back by Monica and forgot to respond - so here are my tags… =)

Here’s the first tag:

6 random things you may not know about me:

1. I save earthworms. Yes, it’s gross, but I can’t stand to see those big fat slimy worms flailing around in the middle of the sidewalk trying to make it to the other side...all the while the sun is beating down on them frying them to the sidewalk. So I pick them up and throw them to their desired destinations. Yeah, I’m weird…I know…

2. I’m slightly paranoid about certain things…I used to be worse, but I’m still paranoid about quite a few things. One of my big fears is a house fire. So I unplug most things…and check to make sure the stove and coffee maker is off a million times before I go to bed.

3. I like to color with Luke…and find myself still coloring long after Luke has found something else to do…=)

4. I giggle too much…ok, so everyone knows that about me!

5. When I was younger, I wanted to be a hockey player…hehehe!

6. I’ve seen a ghost before…most people don’t believe me and think I’m crazy, but I saw what I saw…

And here’s the second tag:

A little bit of me:

On the outside:
Name: Mindy
Current Status: Married
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blonde…though it’s gotten quite dark since my first pregnancy

On the inside:
My Fear: Something happening to my children
My Weaknesses: food…chocolate……mmmmmm
My Perfect Pizza: Stuffed Crust Pepperoni…or Papa Johns with the garlic dipping sauce…mmmmm

Yesterday, today, and tomorrow:
My thoughts first waking up: “Please Luke, go back to sleep…it’s only 5am!”
My bedtime: anywhere between 9pm-midnight…depending on the night
My most missed memory: To many to even mention!

My pick:
Pepsi or Coke: Coke
Single or group dates: hmmm…both are fun
Adidas or Nike: Nike
Tea or Nestea: I love sweet iced tea
Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate
Cappuccino or Coffee: Coffee…coffee and more coffee!

Do you:
Have a crush: my hubby Chris
Think you’ve been in love: I still am!
Go to school: No, but may get my Master’s at some point…
Want to get married: 6 year wedding anniversary is coming up!
Believe in yourself: depends
Think you’re a health freak: HAHAHAHAHA!

In the past:
Gone to the mall: What I would give to go to the mall…
Been on stage: Yeppers
Eaten sushi: no
Dyed your hair: yep

What were you doing: (times reflected when this post was written, not when it’s posted)
A minute ago: writing this post
An hour ago: nursing Will
A month ago: Rocking a screaming Will trying to get him to go to sleep…
A year ago: Planning a move to Germany and trying not to throw up every other minute due to Hyperemesis Gravidarium (extreme morning sickness)

Finish the sentences:
I love: God, my family, my friends and my pets
I feel: exhausted all the time!
I miss: Chris
I need: a pedicure

Alrighty, I guess I’m supposed to tag other people…so I tag everyone who blogs to do either one or the other - or both…and don’t worry, you won’t hurt my feelings if you don’t do it! =)

Alrighty, I’m off for now! More later…


Anonymous said...

Thanks Mindy for playing along!!! I know you are SUPER busy!! Enjoy your last few moments from your wonderful mother in law. Take a LONG hot shower because we all know that is a "treaasured commodity" in the mommy world.

Amber said...

First...the boys are so adorable. Second...I knew all but ONE of those things about you. Third...I miss you :(