Saturday, January 19, 2008

The Waiting is the Hardest Part...

OK, so we're officially into the post-40 week era now, with no sign of labor. The food has run out, we have no power, and we've taken to boiling rats in order to survive. Send help. Send it now.

Maybe I went too far there. But still, man- this kid will not come out! I don't know what his deal is. So we wait...and wait...and wait. In the meantime, here's some pictures from the last few days:

Mindy thinks she's about to pop out of her skin.

But she does tricks now!

Mom wanted to get in on the fun too...even though she had her last kid almost 27 years ago.

Luke enjoyed this until he couldn't roll over and get back up.

Luke got to go to the new playground near our house the other day. It's a little more his size.

Over the course of his wait on this bench, Luke told strangers of his exploits growing up as a special child in Alabama. Did you guys know he fought in 'Nam?
He now sits at the table eating leftovers. We should not be parents.

Here he is helping me put together the Baby Papasan. To be perfectly honest, I have no idea what a papasan is. I always thought it was an old Asian guy.

Luke enjoys the finished product. We're hoping when the baby gets here, he doesn't crawl in on top of him. I'm sure if the baby was here, he would wish that also.

I pretty much just read the instructions to the new double stroller and Luke did all the work. He's matured quite a bit.

See? He even does his own hammering. I'm going to get him a nail gun for his birthday.

This is how we ponder life and its meaning.

So that's life. Luke has spent the last few weeks watching Veggie Tales...over...and over. I can now sing all the lyrics to "Barbara Manatee." Mom is still adjusting to the sleep schedule (and she was inspired by her kids to start a blog...we have that effect on people). Mindy is miserable, and I just kinda do what I do. We still don't have a name for this poor child- at this rate, he'll graduate from high school as Baby Boy Scott. Maybe we'll have a trinket auction for a name!


Teniah Ashlyn said...

You totally crack me up, that was a funny blog - Poor Mindy, I just can't believe he is taking so long to show up!! I feel for you and I am praying that it will happen SO fast and just be over!! I'll email you more soon, but we are having our huge garage sale this morning, so I better get busy....Love you guys and you are in my prayers - oh, and FYI, I'm not sure it's good for a pregnant lady to eat boiled rats! =) hehe...

Anonymous said...

Oh...I know it stinks to breeze through that due date without even a twinge! Soon guys!

And who doesn't love "Barbara Manatee"? Although, the water buffalo song is my personal favorite!


Amber said...

I miss your humor Chris. Luke must know how Mindy feels when SHE tries to roll over and get up! Min, I can't imagine how you feel. I went TO my due date, but I can't imagine going past. To watch that date come and go has to be discouraging. Just remember...he HAS to come out. It is funny...Luke couldn't WAIT until his due date, and now he is busy busy busy. Maybe baby bee will be a little more laid back and move a little slower. You can hope ;)

I love you and keep the faith. It will happen.

Ruth said...

lol, I thought a papasan was just a way of referring to someone's dad (which would actually be Papa-san, since "san" is like "Mr." in english) but Luke looks like he's having fun with whatever that is ^_^

Teniah Ashlyn said...

Oh my gosh, girlfriend...I thought for SURE when I got back from our weekend trip you would have a whole blog about the new baby!! YIKES, what's going on!? Haha.....Poor Mindy, with each day I start praying harder and harder - I'm with Amber, he "HAS TO COME OUT" at some point! haha.....Love you and praying for your endurance and strength, you can make it!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Mindy & Chris, this is Sue one of Mom Judy's co-workers. Please tell Mom Judy that she has no maternity leave left at CareFirst. We may be slow here, but we are not that slow in thinking she is with child.
Anyway we all keep watching to see if Baby Bee has arrived while Judy is there. I have been praying for all of you. Enjoy your time together and create lots of memories!
