Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Birth Story - Version 1

I had a few spare moments, so I thought I would post as much of a blog as I could squeeze in right now. =) I know I never got around to sharing Luke’s birth story – and someday, I will – I promise. =) But, while Will’s is fresh in my mind, I’ll post it. I’ve decided to give two different versions…I know some of you want to know all the gory details…and some of you don’t. =) Version 1 will be the short and sweet – non-gory story and Version 2 will be all the gory details…ok not all of them, but most of them…

I will probably only have time to publish Version 1 today as Will will be waking up any minute now to eat, but I’ll get Version 2 up as soon as I can. On to the short sweet story!

Version 1:

We went to our scheduled 41 week appointment on Wednesday, January 23rd. The doctor said I was at 3 cm and called L&D to see if they could get me in for an induction. He told us to call L&D at 5am on Thursday morning and see if there was a bed available. While we were talking, L&D called him back and asked him if we were free to come now. Uh, YEAH! So we rushed home, got our bags and headed out. We got to the hospital at around 3:00pm, got into a room by 4:00pm, got the Pitocin by 5:00pm and started having fairly regular contractions within minutes. I didn’t progress very fast, so at around 8:00pm, they upped the Pitocin. I decided to go ahead and get the epidural at around 9:00pm. Once I got that, I was able to rest for awhile. I still didn’t progress very quickly (even though my contractions were VERY regular,) so at around midnight, they broke my water. I got my epidural topped off at around 2:00am (the contractions were breaking through) and by 3:30am I was ready to push. Since I had just been topped off with the epi, I was completely numb – I couldn’t feel my legs AT ALL! I could feel the pressure of the baby though, and knew it was time to push. The nurse had me do a few practice pushes – then called the doctor in, broke down the bed, and a few more pushes later, William Stephen (named after my Grandpa Shotts and both of our dads) arrived pink and screaming! It was such a beautiful amazing moment! They laid him on my stomach and we were able to see him for a few minutes before they took him to the warmer to get him cleaned off and do his apgar. I’m not sure I would have gone into labor on my own anytime soon. He remained high the entire time – it wasn’t until I started pushing that he dropped down. I am glad that we were induced…if my water had broken on it’s own, I know things would have gone fast fast fast. After the doctor broke my water at the hospital, it was only 4 hours later that he was born…had I been up and moving around (rushing to the hospital that is) I think it would have been even faster. God provided in so many ways – He knew that this was the best and safest way for Will to come. The timing couldn’t have been better (I can say this with a smile now that he’s here, but going a week beyond your due date is rough.) So that’s the clean, short and sweet version. There are many many more details that I will share with those of you who want to know in my next blog – Version 2. =)

I do want to thank you all for your wonderful comments and e-mails. We also want you all to know how much your support, love and prayers mean to us – I have the best family and friends ever! Thank you so much for being there for us! We love and miss you all SOOOO much!

Alright, I have to run for now – Will needs to eat. Here are a few pictures until I can blog next time.
41 weeks - I had dropped a bit, but not enough to go into labor on my own...
Waiting for our room at L&D...
Chris making fun of me...=)
The room we had...
Chris eating supper...man was I hungry! I did steal 1 bite of his sandwich and 2 bites of his cookies. I now know why you shouldn't eat before labor...
Here is the contraction/heart rate monitor. The red line is the baby's heart rate, the purple line is my heart rate and the bottom black line is the contractions. This was before I got my epi - so they were regular, just not the same size each time - though some of them were big contractions!
Daddy bonding with Will...
Will's first bath...
Happy Birthday Will!


Teniah Ashlyn said...

I want gory version2! Haha, just kidding....I loved the story and pictures...My favorite is the last one, boy he looks like he is really posing and showing off is masculine form! haha....=) He was sitting in there all cozy for so long building up his muscular strength! =)

Anonymous said...

What a cute boy! I'm so glad everything went well! We love you guys!


Bobby said...

Thanks for the warning on version 2. I'll be sure to skip that one. And congratulations!

Lorie said...

Hey Mindy, Glad to hear your version of things! I went 13 days over with Sam, so I know how relieved you were in getting this over!
Two questions to answer in the gory version..
1. What does "I got my epidural topped off at around 2:00am (the contractions were breaking through)" mean? I don't know epidural language very well, so what exactly is "topped off"? and why were your contractions breaking through and causing you to get it topped off?
2. Did your nausea completely leave right after the birth like it did for Luke?

~Lorie H.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait for version 2! MA

Anonymous said...

That was gory enough thank you!

Anonymous said...

He has the BEST birthday ever! I know that Kara was hoping for hers but I won :). I can't wait for version 2. I love the picture with Luke holding Will.


Anonymous said...

Looking forward to hearing "the dirt" in version 2. Thank goodness for the EPI - gotta love it! The numb leg thing is weird. Mine were so numb that I literally couldn't move them at all. The midwives had to hold them in place just to keep them on the bed.

YAY for healthy babies with a mind of their own! Good job, Mama.

Take care,
Barb and Dan