Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Momma Said There’d Be Days Like This...

Have you ever just had “one of those days?” I guess today is just one of those days. I woke up this morning tired as-all-get-out. Dragged myself from bed because Luke and Will were up and wanting to start the morning. Tried to drink as much coffee as possible in-between chasing, changing, feeding, etc, the kids. Later in the morning, Will was tired so I attempted to put him down for a nap – which he screamed loud and non-stop about. Screaming or not, I let him stay in his crib while I took a quick shower. After my shower, I looked in the mirror only to see my face has broken out like a 15 year old teenager. What?! Oh well.

Will refused to nap, so I get him out so he can play in the living room. He’s still a huge grump and in desperate need of a nap. So back in the crib he goes…for more ear-piercing screaming. After much protest on his part, he falls asleep for maybe 20 mins. This gives me enough time to try and make a grocery list in the midst of tending to Luke’s needs (snack, more sippy peas, poopy diaper, cars movie peas, mommy fix it…etc.) Will wakes up and we head to the store.

A bright spot in the chaos of the morning happened as we headed to the store. We passed Monica who was unloading her groceries and we were able to chat for a few minutes. She also offered me some peach cobbler...yummy!! =)

At the store Luke immediately throws a fit because I didn’t put him in the cart until AFTER we got into the actual store (usually I put him in the cart in the foyer.) After I got him in the cart, got his snack and sippy out – he threw another fit because I didn’t bring the right kind of snack. He got no sympathy from me.

During our shopping escapades, Luke manages to lean up against the dishwashing soap and a large amount drizzles to the floor. Yuck. I clean it up with wipes and one of Will’s receiving blankets (don’t worry; I didn’t give the blanket to Will after that=).) Not 5 mins later, Luke throws his sippy cup of apple juice on the floor. The lid peeps open leaking a puddle on the floor. I clean that up with wipes - take the sippy cup and put it in the side pocket of my backpack. Two steps later, I feel cold wetness oozing down my shirt and pants…the top of the sippy had come off and spilled all over me, my backpack and the floor. I spend the next 3 mins cleaning the mess off the backpack and floor. My shirt and pants would just have to dry with time. Yuck. =)

By the time we left, I had bent over to pick up more dropped items than I can count – and the commissary had a freshly cleaned floor. =)

When we get home, Will is beyond exhausted and screaming his lungs out. I hurriedly carry in the groceries and put up the cold and frozen items (all to the tune of Will's shrieks.) In my haste, I yank open the freezer door and the side bar pops off sending myriads of frozen foods tumbling down to the floor...thankfully missing Luke's head by inches.

I manage to prepare a quick lunch (as we continue to listen to Will's shouts of discontent) and get us all sat down at the table. I nurse Will while Luke and I eat. Finally lunch is over and I can put the boys down for a nap. If only it was that easy! After much screaming and a jammed thumb on my part (which I did in an attempt to pick up Luke who was crying and gripping his sippy cup and puppy with both arms) the boys are finally asleep. Thank goodness there’s playgroup this afternoon!

My wonderful friend Monica just brought me that yummy plate of peach cobbler which I now plan to enjoy with a fresh brewed cup of Dunkin Donuts coffee. I hereby start the day over with this fabulous dessert and my steaming hot cup of coffee. =) Do you ever have days like this? Please tell me I’m not alone! =)


Cherry said...

I'm haveing one today. At least you're not crying yet.

Amber said...

YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!! That's all I can say.

Unknown said...

yes i've had days like that! it is definetly a challenge going to the commissary with a two year old and a teething baby! but i cope by usually take a nap if they both pass out at the same time - then i wake up and start the day over from there!

Steve and Judy said...

Sorry to hear about your day. I also must say I am sorry for laughing half way through to the end! When you told of the drippy sippy running down your bippy, I laughed out loud. I miss you all and if I could get over there to help, I would!


Erica said...

Any trip to the commissary turn into a day like that! That place is cursed!! It doesn't matter where it's located, they all are the same. There is something that makes the kids crazy and bad things happen, especially around pay day. I stay far away... until I need to eat! Enjoy the coffee and dessert, they are well deserved!

chris said...

So you still want me to stay gone, right? ;)

Honeybee said...

In our family it was so interesting that trips like that were experienced by ME when Daddy wasn't along. If Daddy was there, things were much calmer. Humpf!

Anita said...

Aren't kids wonderful characters to take to the grocery store?? They turn into little monsters once they know there is an audience. I have decided it is either a REALLY good trip to the store your a REALLY bad trip - there is NO in between. And unfortunately, around here - the bad trips outweigh the good!! I hope your day improves with your second round!! Good luck!

Anonymous said...

My sympathies! My yesterday was somewhat similar but thankfully no sippy cup incident. Did have a cranky teething baby who was trying to jump off the changing table, peed on the wall and generally carried on a ruckus while I put the diaper on backwards and the cat puked on my foot. (Not a small amount of puck either.) As my grandmother always reminds me, This, too, shall pass. (And hopefully, it a hurry!) Hope today is better for you. =) Barb

Anonymous said...

All I can say is that I am glad that we are at the other end of all that!
GP Shotts

Ruth said...

Hmmm, maybe I do want to wait after all, LOL. The juice down the shirt and back sounded just plain miserable! And yes, I have definitely had days like that. Hopefully after dessert and coffee everything got better ^_^

Andrea said...

We all have been in that sinking boat at one time or another-we just need to be more understanding of others when it is their turn.

Oh my, I was tired just reading it! The commissary is one of my least favorite places-factor in busy kids and that spells chaos.

Wouldn't it be nice if you could check your kids into a playland as you enter, and collect them whn you are done-everyone happy! I laugh when I see the complimentary coffee and (sometimes) desserts at Ramstein and Vogelweh. As if shopping is a relaxing experience?

I'm happy that you have a good outlook-you are a great mother to handle those obstacles solo! You go!! :)Okay, novel over...