Saturday, January 02, 2010

Reality Blogging

I have definitely struggled with being a consistent blogger the last few months. I always have good intentions, but somehow the "good intentioned blog" just never gets accomplished.

This year I have quite a few goals to aim for.

One of them being blogging.

I hope to tweak my blogging style a little bit by being I have found that I've somewhat shyed away from blogging about the frustrations of life. And yet, I am always grateful to those who share their struggles and always makes me feel like I'm not alone. So, one of my goals is not only to share updates and pictures, but to also share the real life moments and thoughts that aren't as frilly and pretty...but are just as real.

I hope that you'll stick with me and still be inclined to read our blog! =)


Annie said...

That is a fantastic goal to have! You know me - I am all about the honesty, even if it isn't all that glamorous or pretty. I luv ya Mindy and miss you tons!

Teniah Ashlyn said...

I think your ideas about blogging for 2010 are awesome....I have been re-vamping my blog style as well, so I think it is really important. Share what you are going through, what you are feeling and the life lessons that you are learning along the way - I know that each of us will be blessed by your honesty and openness! =) Glad you are getting back into blogging!

Anonymous said...

Of course I will still read!!! That is a great goal. I hope to start my own blogging at some point, since it seems as if I am the only Andrews who is not doing so! Miss you guys!

Anonymous said...

Do you keep a record of your blog someplace for your own records of your life? I've wondered if a blog is ever wiped out on the internet is there a way to store what you've written along with your pictures somewhere? It would be a shame to not have all that you've written wiped out.
Just wondering,
~Lorie H.