Thursday, January 07, 2010

Potty Training Day 4:

Today I have seen lots of progression in our potty training journey! I am so proud of Luke I could burst!

I was nervous this morning as he fought me once again to put on his training pants. However, that proved to be his only fuss about it today. He went every time I took him to the potty, we were out of the house at playgroup for a few hours with no accidents, he even went poopy on the potty (this is huge because as of today, he's been waiting until I put his diaper back on at night or before he I change him in the morning to do this), and three times tonight he told me he needed to go on the potty...and he did! Two of those times he even had his diaper on (ready for bed) and chose to go on the potty instead. Can I just say YYYYYEEEEEHAWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm hoping this is a sign that we're moving in the right direction quickly!

I hope that tomorrow brings as much success as today did!

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