Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Potty Training

Yesterday we started potty training Luke...again...for the 3rd time. Third times a charm right? Well, that's what they say...

The first attempt this summer was a complete disaster. He was not ready, he was not cooperative and it was more frustrating than it was worth.

The second time I didn't push it too much as I was just excited he was willing to get on the potty and go. However, his willingness dwindled and we were back in diapers.

This time there's no going back. Though he prefers the security of his diapers, it's time that he's potty trained. This time I'm trying to be more relaxed about it...but also more consistent. I've come to learn that potty training take a great amount of motivation and consistency from the parent.

I will admit that I was secretly hoping that since Luke is on the older side for this process, that he'd take to it right away and Poof! he would be potty trained. A mom can dream right?! =) Well, it clear that this secret hope will not be a reality. He did do well yesterday with only one accident. This morning though, he didn't want to put the training pants back on...but he did. We'll see what the rest of the day brings. I have a feeling we'll get more opposition from him today. Oh well, it's all part of the process.

Something that has been very helpful is a Cars sticker chart a friend of mine sent me. Luke likes picking out stickers to mark his accomplishments.

Here's for hoping today will bring great progress in this potty training journey!


Monica said...

I pray that today goes well for you and potty training! I am so scared to even start with Will...he's no where near ready, but I'm very ready for it to be done!

Amber said...

Go Min! Go Luke! You can do it!

Is there an end reward for a certain amount of stickers. My sister did that with my nephew (like 30-40 stickers = a $1 toy at the store). It seemed to work with him. I didn't do that with G as she didn't understand working up to a goal (instant gratification all the way). Good luck and remember...accidents happen!

Annie said...

praying for you! It takes immense amounts of patience and consistency. Oh potty training is one of the hardest things for a parent :)