Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Potty Training Day 3:

I’m almost afraid to say it out loud (er... I mean write it down,) but today has been pretty good!

Luke fought me this morning when I put his training pants on, and later in the day there was one instance where he fought me a little on getting on the potty – but all in all, he’s done very very good! What a relief after the struggles we had yesterday. I even took him to his classes at the church tonight and he made it all the way through without any issues. I was a little nervous about taking him out for 2 ½ hours since it’s only been a few days and I’m not sure he’d be willing to go on a different potty yet. I took an extra set of clothes just in case and told him to tell his teachers if he had to go. He didn’t go there, but he didn’t have an accident either, so all is well!

We are doing diapers at night, but other than that, he’s in his training pants all day long…even through nap time!

So, here’s hoping tomorrow goes as well as today did!

Thank you all for your encouragement!

1 comment:

Teniah Ashlyn said...

Ahhh the challenges of parenting. These are the moments - as I'm reading about your past three days - when I'm in such awe of moms/parents like you! You are such an inspiration and I admire you so much....I don't know how you do it, and you are doing such a beautiful job too!! Keep up the good work, and know that you are a great mom!