Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Potty Training Day 2:

I wouldn't say today was exactly a success, but we made it through.

Luke, as I expected, provided quite a bit of opposition. This morning was ok, but it just went downhill from there...with a literal kicking and screaming tantrum after nap time when we put him on the potty...from Luke that is...though I think Chris and I both were ready to throw our own tantrums of frustration. It took awhile to get Luke calmed down and I eventually allowed him to get off the potty even though he didn't even try to go. And it was blatantly obvious he had to go. He was doing the twisty-hold-the-legs-together-gotta-go-potty dance. After a few minutes of him walking around in this manner, I asked if he would like to use his little Winnie the Pooh potty (we had been trying to teach him how to use the "big boy" potty)...he considered this and said, "What about my froggy potty?" (Yes, we have two little potties...both I bought awhile back hoping it would entice him to want to go.) Anyway, I was eager to comply to his request - especially after such a long and strenuous tantrum. I was so relieved he was willing to try again.

So, I got out his little froggy potty and within minutes he excitedly ran out to tell us, "I did it!"
Yehawww for accomplishments!

So, we've had some issues, but also some progress as well. Tomorrow is a new day!

1 comment:

Erica said...

Yeah for progress! Consistancy is the name of the game. Even though it means misery for a week or two. Hang in there!