Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day

Memorial Day - a time to honor and pay tribute to those who have served our country and sacrificed their very life for the United States of America. What a tremendous and truly selfless sacrifice. To those who have gone before us and to those in the present who have fallen - paid the ultimate price for our country - Thank You. To the families of those who have selflessly given their lives - Thank You. It is to these -the fallen and their family - we owe a tremendous amount of respect, thanks and gratitude.

I also want to say a big Thank You to all the service members and families out there. Your sacrifice, pride, hard work, endurance and love of country is appreciated more than words can even speak.

In thinking about Memorial Day, three distinct individuals immediately came to mind. Though none of these men lost their lives in the line of duty - they all serve(d) with extreme pride.

Robert W.

This is my grandfather. He was drafted into the Army in 1944 at age 22. He was married to my grandmother, Mildred and had one son, Larry, at home - and one on the way, Jackie, at the time. He was shipped off to Germany where he served mostly as a radio operator for ground missions. He had extreme pride in his country and saw the need to serve and protect. He was honorably discharged from the Army in 1946 because of a severe case of frozen feet (which he got while fighting in a foxhole in the brutal cold weather.)

David A.

This is Chris' grandfather. He was drafted into the Army in 1943 at age 18 (while a junior in high school!) He met his future wife, Nina in the states while training before being shipped off to the South Pacific. He was a radio operator for the B25 Bombers. Though he missed his family and sweetheart tremendously, he had extreme pride in serving his country. He was honorably discharged from the Army in 1945.

Chris S.

This is my husband. He was commissioned into the Army in 2002 and is currently serving today. He has served two deployments to Iraq. He is a Signal Officer (how interesting that all three served in communications!!) and though he initially went in hoping for a career in Armor (tanks and such) he has made a fantastic Commo guy! From a very young age he had a desire and passion to serve in the military. He has been very proud to serve his country.

This is just a glimpse into the military accomplishments of these three incredible men. I hope to bring you more detailed posts about each of them in the future. I guess I just felt compelled to post this in honor of the service that has been given by each of them.

So, as I reflect upon the reasons why we celebrate Memorial Day, I am so incredibly grateful for the men and women who have given their lives, who have served and are currently serving and for the future service members who will continue to carry on the fight for freedom. Thank You!

Have a wonderful Memorial Day!


Laura said...

Wonderful thoughts and photos! Laura in Ludwigsburg

Jenny said...

Beautiful, Min!