Saturday, June 28, 2008

The cloud found us again!

It’s been an interesting two days to say the least. Yesterday evening, Luke tripped and fell. He fell at a really odd angle and ended up hurting his leg. I tried to comfort him, but it became pretty apparent that he’d hurt himself beyond the normal bumps and bruises he normally gets. He would not bear any weight on his left leg – and screamed in terrible pain if I tried to get him to walk on his own. So I called the nurse advice line and they told me to take him in. I decided to take him to the Krankenhaus instead of Landstuhl (I knew a Friday night at Landstuhl would equal an 8-10 hour wait.) They felt his ankle, told me it was just bruised, wrapped it up and sent us home.

After we got back, he still refused to walk on it at all and cried and screamed if I tried to make him. So I gave him some Tylenol, put him to bed and figured we’d wait to see what morning brought.

This morning he wouldn’t even get out of bed. He just waited on his bed until I came in to get him. Bad sign. I tried everything I knew to get him to walk or stand on his legs. Nothing – and if I tried he screamed in protest. So, off to Landstuhl we went.

We were seen by an AMAZING doctor there. He had just gotten home from Iraq. He knew my husband was deployed and really took care of us. He was fantastic with Luke – even took him out to see his motorcycle! I have never had a better experience with an ER doctor. I just can’t stop saying how amazing he was. They did a bunch of x-rays and weren’t able to find a fracture. The doctor was afraid that he may have fractured his growth plate – which would be hard to find on an x-ray. So we have to see an Orthopedist. I should know about that appointment next week as we have to be referred out on the economy.

So they splinted his leg, gave us some meds for the pain and we’re back home. So Luke is on the couch ready for a moviefest.

Please just pray that God will heal Luke’s leg. If he shows improvement and starts to walk and play then we probably won’t have to go to the Orthopedist. Only time will tell.

So – the cloud still follows us…=)

I’ll update more later!


Honeybee said...

So sorry about your 'cloud', Mindy! We'll keep Luke in our prayers.

Erica said...

I know that cloud, we have one too! So sorry to hear about Luke's leg. I hope he will be on the mend soon. Poor guy!

Anita said...

Poor little guy! I hope he heals quickly! I'll be praying for you and Luke. I know it is as big a toll on mommy as Luke!

Anonymous said...

Hey Mindy,
Ouch! What a day! Hope Luke gets to feeling better as his leg mends. Give him a hug from gpa & gma Shotts.
Of course give Will and yourself one too!
Love & Prayers