Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Are you guys still there?

Hey all!

Sadly I don’t really have time to do a big update right now, but I wanted to let you all know that we’re still alive and kicking. =) Everyone is sick…again. We can’t seem to get rid of this bug that’s going around post. Luke started feeling better last week only to get sick again this week. Will was just getting better and is now getting sick again as well…and Chris is getting sick too. Along with dealing with illness, we’ve been incredibly busy with the upcoming deployment. We’re beginning to feel a little overwhelmed with the amount of things we need to do before Chris leaves. It’s hard to believe that he will be heading off in a matter of weeks. We’re going to try our hardest to spend some good quality family time together in these next few weeks. We’re even hoping to go on a few small trips – if we can all get back to good health that is.

Anyway, there’s so much more I want to blog about – but finding a spare moment has been virtually impossible. Every second of every day has been consumed with something lately. I’ll try to do a quick update of Luke and Will real quick though.


Luke is talking more and more and more. He’s learning the appropriate times to say “please” and “thank you” which is so sweet. This week we will be setting up a toddler bed for him. We tried to take the side off the crib, but it was still too high off the ground for me to feel comfortable with. So we ordered him a toddler bed. I’ll put up pictures once we get it in and set up. He’s getting quite tall – in fact, he’s in 24 month clothes now. He’s actually trying new foods here and there too. Some days he eats great – others he barely eats at all. I’m told that’s fairly normal though. He’s really into sports and trucks/cars right now. He’s learning his colors…and his presidents (can you tell Chris is a history buff!) We have a laminated picture of all the presidents and right now Luke can point out Lincoln, Washington and Bush.


Will is a giant. =) He continues to grow at a fast rate. He’s huge! He eats pretty much every 2 hours around the clock. He’s far outgrown his newborn clothes and is now wearing 3 month clothes. He’s very alert now and likes to be in the sitting position so he can see what’s going on. He enjoys looking at his mobiles and play gyms. He’s also started to coo, which I love! It’s such a sweet sound! He’s even smiling which melts our hearts! He is a very fussy baby. I’ve had to give up dairy, peanut butter and tea because his stomach can’t quite take it yet. I remember going through this time with Luke too. I know that once Will’s tummy starts to mature and doesn’t hurt as much, he’ll begin to settle down and become less fussy. It is challenging at times when he’s fussing and Luke is in need of attention at the same time – we have many moments like that on a daily basis. Luke is so in love with Will though, so usually he is good about me needing to hold Will 24/7. I know I should feel ok about putting Will down and just letting him cry – but since he’s been sick, and his stomach is so upset many times, I just don’t have the heart. When he gets a little older, I know I’ll need to do it so he can learn to self-soothe, but for now I will hold him…even if it is 24 hours a day. =)

Alright, Luke is clamoring to get out of bed, so I gotta run. I do apologize for being so far behind on blogging and e-mailing. I don’t know when things will settle down here, but I’ll try to get caught back up when I can. I just want you to all know that even though I can’t update as much as before – I still think of you all and miss you all so much!

Here are a few pics:

Luke loves being outdoors…

Here is Will wrapped up in the Moby wrap…

Luke brushing his teeth…

Will looking at his farm play gym…

Luke loves “Wheel” so much!

A look of defiance. Luke can be very defiant at times…I think it comes with the terrible two’s! =) He’s been in timeout more lately. I will say that he learns fairly quickly though. If he goes into timeout for acting out, he usually won’t repeat the same mistake twice…usually…=)

Daddy has his hands full!

Cute pictures and smiles all around...


Anonymous said...

Your boys are so cute, Min! I love the picture of Will smiling in his seat! And the "defiant face" cracks me up (don't tell Luke that though :-) I hope you guys all feel better soon - and I'm praying for you as deployment nears. Love you all!


Amber said...

Min! Will looks so much like you! I can't wait to see him in person. I miss you and I love you. I know it isn't easy, but we should plan to chat sometime. Love, love, love!

Lorie said...

I hate to hear you had to give up dairy cause I know how much you like milk! I'll pray you get some quality family time before the deployment.