Saturday, March 08, 2008

The Toddler Bed...and an update

Saturday, March 8th:

We’ve been planning to switch Luke over to a toddler bed for some time now. We tried last weekend by converting the crib into a toddler bed, but I just didn’t feel comfortable with how high it had him off the ground. I was afraid he might hurt himself if he rolled off. So we decided to purchase a toddler bed. They only had one style and one bed left at the PX here, so we took it. Chris was able to pick it up during the week and put it together today. Of course Luke wanted to help. =) After we got the bed set up, we stayed in Luke’s room so he could adjust to the bed. He would climb up in it and we would say, “show us how you go night-night” and he would lay down and we would praise him. We kept telling him how he got to sleep in his “big boy” bed now and how exciting that was. His afternoon nap was our first try. We put him down, said “night-night” and left the room. He got up around 4-5 times in all before falling asleep. It was amazing! We actually used the Super Nanny technique. The first few times he got out one of us would go in and tell him he needed to get in bed and go “night-night.” After a few times doing that, Chris just went in and put him in bed without saying anything to him. For some reason that seemed to do the trick. Super Nanny really knows her stuff! So he slept his whole nap in the bed. When it was time for him to get up, Chris opened the door so he knew he could come out when he was ready. He happily trotted out of the room well rested. He thinks his new bed is just the coolest thing ever. When we got home from grocery shopping, he ran into his room (with his coat and hat and shoes still on from being outside) and jumped into bed saying, “nigh-nigh nigh-nigh.” It was so adorable! Tonight is the BIG test…to see if he’ll sleep in the bed through the night. We put him down a little while ago and he’s still in bed – that’s a good sign! We’ll see how the rest of the night progresses. Anyway, I just wanted to post a few pictures of this big milestone! It just doesn’t seem possible that Luke can be old enough to be sleeping in a bed.

Monday, March 10th:

Luke did AMAZING his first night in the toddler bed (Saturday night.) He laid down right away and went to sleep. We kept listening to see if he had gotten up, but he stayed in his bed the whole night! We are so proud of our big boy! He continues to do really well with his bed. Last night he did roll off the bed and fall on the comforter I had placed on the floor for just such an event. He wasn’t hurt and thankfully doesn’t seem to remember it as of this morning (though last night he wasn’t very happy about the whole ordeal.) I’m just so excited this transition to the “big boy bed” is going well. Now if only potty training could go this smoothly! =)

Tuesday, March 11th:

Luke continues to do amazing in his bed! This has been such an incredibly smooth transition from the crib – I’m amazed! I can’t say how much we’re proud of our little boy. I can’t believe he’s old enough to be sleeping in a bed. They grow up so quick!

In other news – we are all finally mending from the last round of colds. Will is still pretty congested, but he seems to be feeling better. I’ve also found the missing puzzle piece in his stomach issues – caffeine. And if you know me, you know this was quite a blow! I am a coffeeholic. The difference is undeniable though. So the elimination now includes, dairy, peanut butter and anything caffeine. Thankfully I’ve found decaffeinated coffee, tea and coke at our commissary. Though I am suffering through caffeine withdrawal, at least I can still drink some coffee, tea and coke…though it’s not quite the same without that wonderful dose of caffeine. But Will’s stomach feels much better with these eliminated. He still wants to be held around the clock – and putting him down almost always results in a screaming fit like you wouldn’t believe. I have managed to lay him down a few times for a few minutes without a fussy fit. I hope that means we’re making progress. He continues to eat often and is quite heavy (14 pounds on our home scales – but that’s probably not the most accurate reading.) I think I’m going to have to pull out the 3-6 month old onesies! We also had to go up to size 2 diapers a few weeks ago. He’s smiling more and more and his personality is starting to show through.

Luke is talking constantly. He repeats everything we say – it’s so funny! He tries so hard to play with Will. He’ll bring his toys to Will and lay them on him – or he’ll try to offer food or his sippy to Will. If he see’s Will’s pacifier, he’ll try to jam it into his mouth…usually backwards. =) When we’re out in public, he will often times go over to the car seat look at the people around us and proclaim to them, “Brodur.” It melts my heart! He does seem to be going through a time of high defiance right now though. We’re trying to find and figure out what discipline measures work the best for him. I do think that this may be his way of acting out to get attention. Will has been very demanding of my attention and though I try hard to give Luke as much attention as possible, I can’t give it like I used to. Though he doesn’t take anything out on Will or act jealous around Will – I think this may be his way of saying – “Pay attention to me!”

Luke got an army hair cut yesterday (by daddy.) He wasn’t as thrilled about this haircut, but he endured through it. I don’t have any pictures of his new short cut, but I’ll post one soon. He looks so much older with his hair so short.

Chris is still staying really busy at work and I’m still really busy with the kids. The weather has been icky – really dreary and rainy…just like the usual weather here in Baumholder! =) I’m looking forward to some sunny spring days.

Well, I’m going to post this. If I don’t post it now, it may take me another 3 days to complete (since it took that long to get this blog written.)

Hope all is well with each and every one of you!

Until next time…

Luke and Daddy putting the toddler bed together...

Luke trying out the bed...

Luke showing us how he goes "nigh-nigh."

Luke and Will hanging out on his new bed...

Will smiling at Luke...

Daddy and Will...

Mommy, Luke and Will...

"You talking to me?"

Daddy, Luke and Will...

Mommy and Will...

"I am huge!"

The Family...

"Watch out Mommy! I'm gonna get you wet!"
Playing in Play-Doh...
Daydreaming about the next meal...
I was sitting on the couch with Will the other day and Luke brought me an empty bread bag. Thinking he had brought me the empty one I had just thrown away, I told him to go and put it back in the trash. When he kept saying, "bwead, bwead" I realized he must have grabbed the loaf of new bread on the table and dumped it somewhere...yep, that's what he had done!
Will sitting on the couch all snuggled up...

Our last snow a few days ago...

Luke wanted to share these toys with Will...don't worry, none of them were heavy...
For Uncle Randy! Luke insisted that Will wear this hat. If I tried to take it off, Luke would put it right back on. I guess he wants Will to play baseball!


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful family. I am looking forward to when you all move in with me.

chris said...

That Shorebirds hat used to have nachos in it.

Teniah Ashlyn said...

I totally loved the blog and pictures - you guys are so cute together - I LOVE the old pictures you had on the right too! I tried to get the wedding one to load bigger so I could really see it, but couldn't get it to work - you should go back someday and do a post of pictures of you and Chris before the babies! =) I just LOVE memories!!! You guys are doing great with the boys and make wonderful parents! Keep up the good work and know that you are being thought of!!! Love you!

Amber said...

I miss the animals! I hadn't seen a picture of them in so long. Poor babies!

You all look so good. I just want to reach through the screen and hug you all. Thanks for posting pics. I haven't been very good at it lately, but I appreciate see your clan!

Love and miss you!

Anonymous said...

Sign him up, from what I hear he might be able to start this year!

Uncle Randy

Anonymous said...

Everyone looks so happy - especially Luke with his toddler bed. Kids are certainly an adventure. The stories of Luke and Will are so sweet. What a proud big brother. I think the picture of Will with all the toys in my favorite.

Mindy, are you still taking prenatals because your hair looks fabulously healthy! Oh my gosh!

I can't believe how big Will is! He is probably the same size as Max is currently. How crazy is that? I guess that means I probably won't be able to send any of Max's clothese though I think you'd love the polar bear and moose rugby shirts!

I've rambled enough and I'm so happy that you all are not sick. Enjoy your time together. Love the photos - especially getting to see Riley, Tiger and Little One.

Barb and Dan and Max

Annie said...

I miss you guys so much! Wow, Will is really chunking up. He's an adorable chubby guy. That story of Luke saying "bruder" made me laugh. I can't wait for Lizzie to react that way with a younger sibling.

yay for disciplining..... I can't imagine how exhausting it must be. Will sounds about as clingy as Lizzie still is today. She is getting better, but still prefers mommy to anything else.

YAY for toddler beds!! I'm so excited to hear that the transition is going to well! I can't believe Luke is in a bed and talking. I remember when he was so little....

God bless you!