Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Short Update

It is indeed getting cold here. It was almost like we went from hot to cold…not much of the nice warm/cool fall days you usually get in the states. One day we’re walking around in short sleeves – the next day we’re digging out our winter coats! I had originally wanted to buy German made winter coats for all of us – but our American dollar isn’t doing so hot here. We would pay almost twice as much for a purchase if we bought it on the economy. So, it looks like we’ll be buying our winter wear from the states (or from the PX) after all. Maybe next winter the Euro rate will be better and we can get some authentic winter wear. =)

We’ve been staying pretty busy. Last week, the cold I caught from Luke turned into a miserable fever and chest cold. Luckily I’m on the mend and am feeling a lot better. Luke is completely over his cold and has his full energy back.

Chris is in the field for the next few months, so this last weekend was a mad rush to get a massive to-do list accomplished. We didn’t get it all done, but all the necessary things are completed. Like changing the light bulbs – the ceilings are way to high for me to even dream about reaching…and climbing up on the back of the couch didn’t seem like a wise idea for a pregnant woman to do. =) I doubt Luke could drive me to the hospital if I fell and broke my leg. =)

Speaking of driving – this weekend Chris directed me to a few places in the area. This was the first time I had driven out of Baumholder – and my first time on the Autobahn. The weather was icky, but now I think I could manage getting to Landstuhl if for some reason I needed to. So far, I’ve been able to schedule all my appointments at the small clinic here – but towards the end, they may want to see me there.

Luke had his health assessment – which is required for daycare. The appointment was quick and brief. I asked the doctor about Luke’s lack of weight gain, but he didn’t seem concerned. He said to feed as Luke wanted it – and he’d be fine. He said we could revisit the issue at his 18 month appointment. I’m not looking forward to that one since it’ll be time for more vaccinations. Luke freaked out when he had to get weighed and measured the other day – I can’t imagine what he’s going to do when he gets his next set of vaccinations.

Luke is down for a nap, so this will be a short blog. There are a million things I need to do around the house before he wakes up. So here are some pictures and I’ll blog more later!

Luke trying to lug around Chris's huge Army bag...
"Look how strong I am!"
"Maybe I could fit in here and go out to the field with daddy!"
"They need to make a toddler size camel back - this is way better then a bottle or sippy!"
"Look at me! I'm such a big helper!"
"mommy - why are you making funny faces behind the camera - I'll smile if you just ask..."
Luke is obsessed with dogs. Here he's trying to carry around three of his favorite doggies...
Mommy and Luke hanging out in the cold...
Luke the deep thinker (just like his father)...
"I better pull this out of the ground - someone may trip on it..."
Here is Luke's hair after taking his hat off - not pictured - my hair after taking my hat off! =)
More later!


Teniah Ashlyn said...

Glad you guys are getting things in order and ready for the field exercise. It sucks that they take them away from their families for months of training before they deploy for months on end - But the truth is that it's really good for them to get the training in so that they are up to speed and prepared! That's how I always looked at it anyway.....

I was looking for an old baby picture of myself for a shower I have to go to on Sunday and came across the letters Travis sent me from Iraq - It was so funny to read back over a few and see what we wrote about. His letters were so awesome and I'm so glad I kept them (It's funny how an old card can still touch your heart years down the road...) Anyway....I remember those days well, so I'm praying for you a lot right now!!!

Thanks for posting updates and pictures!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Min,

Glad to see Luke it so strong.

Wish that Chris did not have to go in the field for such a long stretch. Our thoughts are with you and Luke.

Not sure if you've ever checked out Sierra Trading Post online but they often have great deals on all sorts of stuff and huge selection of all types of winterwear - much of it top name outdoor gear. I think they are still having their big winter gear sale - including some kids stuff. They ship to APO and are almost an entirely online business.

Looks like we're having a baby on Sunday - we go into the hospital Saturday night. Dan will email a photo. I bought a last minute costume today - hope it's not too hard to get on.

Thinking of you often. Sending you sunshine and daisies.

Take care, Barb

Anonymous said...

What a cute boy! He looks so cute in Chris's army gear!!!


Unknown said...

He does look great in that gear. I had the best dream last, Chris and Luke came to our house for a visit and I called in to work and we ate cheeseburgers & candy and hung out for the weekend.

Josh and Annie said...

Luke is growing up so much!! He's just the cutest ever - I love that pic of hit hat hair LOL

God bless you way over there in Germany!