Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Catching Up

Sorry for the lack of updates. Luke and I seem to be catching every available cold on post. We were just getting over our last head/chest cold when low and behold – another decided to descend upon us. Joy. So we’ve been hacking and coughing and blowing our noses like it’s our job. After a warm shower – and a nap for Luke – today is looking more promising in the recovery department. We may be on the road to wellness soon! =)

Luke has learned the art of evading when it’s time to wipe his runny nose. He’ll duck or run, or roll on the floor – whatever he feels like will get him out of a nose wiping. Ah – they learn so quickly! Now if I could only get him to blow…maybe in a few months. =)

I heard from Chris last night – and he too has had the unfortunate luck of catching the latest cold virus sweeping the post. So – if you think of it – say a prayer for his quick recovery. It’s hard enough being sick at home – but when you’re in the field I’m sure it’s completely miserable. Other then being sick, he seems to be keeping quite busy. He says it’s really cold where they are – I have a feeling we’re in for a doozy of a winter this year!

Sunday night, Tiffany and Jason came over for a visit (they were in Germany for a vacation.) Tiffany and I went to Olivet together. We had such a great time! It had been a long time since we’d been able to sit down and catch up, so we had a really really nice time. Luke was loving it too - he was a HUGE flirt with Tiffany! Thanks so much for coming guys – it meant the world to me!

Baby Bee is doing well – at least by his punches and kicks I would rate him as doing well. =) I am HUGE! I can’t believe how big I am!! I actually have pictures to post of the belly – so you can see for yourself how big it is. Sadly – I’m not one of the lucky ones that only gains like 10 or 15 lbs in pregnancy. I have definitely gained more this time around…but I don’t know what I would have gained with Luke if I hadn’t lost 20 lbs first. Oh well. I try to cheer myself up by telling myself I can diet and lose it after the baby comes. It’s really not that big of a deal, but it’s hard to see yourself gain such a large amount of weight in such a little amount of time. I know it’s for the baby – but hey – I’m a girl – I’m allowed to fret about my weight here and there. =) Anyway – back to Baby Bee…=) I feel his punches and kicks and tumbles and somersaults all over my belly now. When they first start moving, you feel it mostly below the belly button – once they start spreading out, you feel it everywhere! Sometimes he kicks so hard at night, I find myself dreaming about his kicking. Then I’ll wake up sore and know it wasn’t just a dream. I’m hoping to start taking my Pre-Natal Vitamins again within the next few days. The last time I tried to take them, they made me sick…even on the Zofran. So I’m hoping since I’m in my last trimester, I can start to take them without getting sick. I feel really guilty for not taking them and am just praying Baby Bee has been able to get enough nutrients to develop and grow through my body. My next appointment is at the end of November.

Luke is changing everyday. I noticed today that he can actually run now…before it was a funny waddle, but now it’s a real run. He seems to understand so much too. I can say “go get your sippy” and off he goes in search of his sippy. At night when we’re picking up toys – I’ll tell him to hand me things to put away and he’ll go get them. “Hand me the hammer” and he’ll bring the hammer, “Go get the books” and he’ll bring me the books. It’s really quite amazing! If I say, “let’s go brush your teeth” he’ll take off running for the bathroom. If he’s hungry or thirsty, he’ll go into the kitchen or try to open the refrigerator. He laughs at cartoons too! He’s in love with Elmo – which is his favorite segment of Sesame Street. He watches us like a hawk. If he sees us do something – he wants to try it himself. For example – I blew up these little inflatable rubber ducky bath toys. He watched me do it and now when he plays with the duckies, he finds the little plug and blows on it. What a cutie he is!

Alrighty – I need to go get lunch ready. I’ll post Halloween pictures this week – that is if I can get a picture of him in his costume before he rips it off. =) I think you’ll get a kick out of his costume!

Hope all is going well for each of you! Love and miss you all!
Here is Luke in the morning - you can see the snot running out of his nose! At least he's smiling!
This one's for you Uncle Randy!
I bought these refrigerator magnets for Luke to play with. I guess he doesn’t realize he's supposed to play with them ON the refrigerator. I'll put them all up - and he comes in and literally throws them all over the kitchen. Here he is laying in the midst of them all.
Here he is rolling on the floor - he probably thought I was going to wipe his nose.
Tiffany and Jason - we had so much fun!
Tiffany and me - and a huge Baby Bee!
Here I am at 28 weeks and 5 days (today.) I actually had to look up how far along I was on the calendar. I've been horrible at keeping track this time around. Note the beautiful maternity shirt. Tiffany gave it to me and I love it! It's so pretty! Thanks so much Tiffany!! =)

Luke loves bath time!

What a sweetheart!
Reading his book before bed...nighty night Luke!


Teniah Ashlyn said...

I personally think you look AMAZING, Mindy....Your smile and beautiful face never change no matter how big baby bee may get! haha... =) Don't worry about how much you gained or didn't gain with Luke vs. Baby Bee. Every pregnancy is different and the most important part is that the baby is healthy.

It's hard, I'm sure to sacrifice your body to this little guy, but I promise that it will be worth it and soon your body will once again be your own! The cool part about being pregnant is that no one is even really looking at your belly - The glow in your face is so illuminating that no one can keep their eyes off your beauty, so that keeps the focus off your belly. =) Hey, though, I do want a belly picture of you in a lighter top so we can really see baby bee! =) heehee....

I'm glad your friends got to come for a visit. I know that was a big treat! Keep us posted on how you are feeling and we will pray for everyone's quick recovery! Thanks for all the pictures....Luke really is something! He cracks me up!

Amber said...

Min...you look great! I wish I could feel the little guy. I am so glad you had the chance to see friendly faces. I wish it could have been me, but I know how much it must have meant to you to see someone from the States :)

I really hope you guys feel better soon! I know how miserable it can be to be sick AND pregnant. woo!

I love you guys bunches and miss you like crazy.

Tiffany Barrett said...

MINDY!!! WE miss you sooo much. I could have talked to you all night. We had a nice trip back. I watched about 4 movies. Kept me occupied. Jason and I will definitely be back. We are thinking of taking up our new friends we met in Germany, on their offer to use their place for another trip. It means we would be close to you!!! YAY.

I agree with the other people. You look amazing and you are amazing. Your family is so precious, and you all are such a role model for Jason and I .

Thanks again for opening up your home to us. We love you so much.


Anonymous said...

Min - you look beautiful! And more importantly, you look healthy! I am praying for you all to feel better. I can't believe how much Luke is changing. What a cutie pie! We love you!

Jenny and Jamie

Amber said...


I am currently writing with two fingers wrapped in bandaids due to a unfortunate incident with a door :( So this comment is taking a lot longer than usual.

Gracelynn seems to like the Bumbo seat pretty well. She hasn't spent a ton of time in it so far. The day after we got it it was ALL OVER the news about the dangers of them! I guess some people thought sitting your baby in the Bumbo ON TOP of the table and then walking away was a good idea. DUH! They said it was because the Bumbo manufacturers didn't put a warning on it. Anyway, we haven't done anything that stupid, but we stay right with her when she is in it (sitting on the floor!). I think she likes the change in scenery. This way she gets to look around instead of looking up ;)

Yes...it IS almost 3 months! I am just in awe at how quickly time is flying by. She is growing so fast. She has slept 8 hours at night for the past week and a half. I am lovin' it. God really gave us the PERFECT baby for where we are right now. I would have loved my little one even if she woke up every hour on the hour. But the sleeping through the night definitely makes the rest of my day a lot easier!

I miss you guys so much. There is so much going on in our lives right now that is so hard to translate into an email or a blogger message. I wish so much to have you here to experience it with me. I could really use a chick flick/chili-cheese fries/strawberries & dip/sour patch kids night :)

I love love love you all!


Josh and Annie said...

Oh Mindy, thank you so much for the pictures :-) You look AMAZING :-D

I didn't catch on until now that you are having another boy! How fantastic!

I pray that God heals you quick. I can't imagine how difficult it must be to see Luke with a cold, and how frustrating it must be when he doesn't let you wipe his nose.

I miss you guys!