Thursday, October 04, 2007

It’s a…


Or at least we think it is. The ultrasound tech (who thankfully spoke pretty good English) said it wasn’t a for-sure for-sure thing, but there did seem to be a third “leg” in the mix…if ya know what I mean. =) We had to go to a small German hospital because Landstuhl is short staffed and the University hospital was all booked up. So the ultrasound technology wasn’t as high-tech as a lot of places (which is why it was kinda hard to tell for sure the gender – the pictures weren’t that clear.) It did the job as far as making measurements though – and Baby Bee looks on target and healthy. So now we need to start thinking of names!

The biggest differences between this ultrasound and the one we had with Luke:

1. The clarity of the images.

2. I wasn’t required to have a full bladder with this one. With Luke, I had to drink 32 oz. of water an hour before the ultrasound. I did the same this time because I assumed I was supposed to. When I got there they told me it wasn’t necessary, so thankfully I didn’t have to endure the agony of a way-too-full bladder.

3. In German hospitals, they aren’t technically allowed to give you any pictures from the ultrasound (I’m not sure why.) So we didn’t get a CD of ultrasound pictures. She did give me 3 printed pictures (even though she wasn’t supposed to) so at least I’d have something to put in the scrapbook.

I have my glucose test at the end of next week and another appointment mid-October. I’m 25 weeks now – only 15 more to go! Still on Zofran – but doing pretty well. Mornings are still icky, but I have managed to cut down my Zofran dose throughout the day. Now I’m only taking 2 pills.

I’ve already outgrown some of my maternity clothes – mostly pants. So I made a JC Penney order the other day. I’m not a fan of shopping for clothes online, but the selection here is pretty non-existent. So, we’ll see how I did in choosing sizes and such when that order comes in. =)

In other news:

Finally! I have a childcare date lined up and I can take the drivers class and test next week. Please pray that the class won’t be full (they give priority to uniform, then civilians) and that I can pass this test on the first round. I really want to get my license as soon as possible. It’ll be nice for Luke and me to be able to get involved in some of the activities around post. Plus, I want Chris to help direct me to a few places off post (especially Landstuhl hospital) before he goes out to the field. I’ll feel better if I’ve driven the route a few times with him before I have to do it alone. In the states, I feel pretty confident in getting anywhere as long as I have Mapquest and an atlas. Here – forget about it! The signs are all in German – not to mention if you’re driving in town, it’s waaaaay more confusing than any American town I’ve driven in. I’m sure the language barrier has something to do with that. =) Anyway, I would really appreciate your prayers Tuesday.

Earlier this week, Luke and I walked to the childcare facility – which just so happens to be on a different post in town. It’s actually not far from this one, but you have to walk clear around to get in through the gate. It’s a pretty easy walk there…because it’s downhill. But coming back –oh my word – uphill all the way…and not just tiny uphill – big uphill! I’ve walked it two days in a row this week and let me tell you, I am WAY out of shape. Not to mention my sciatic protests against the added effort of pushing the stroller uphill. I need Riley here to pull me up these hills! =)

So I get to the childcare facility 30 min. early. Since we were walking, I didn’t know how long it would take for us to get there, so I left the apartment about an hour early. I’m sitting in the waiting area watching Luke play with some puzzles and these two German firemen come in. I hear them talking to the receptionist –they’re going to have a fire drill. Yay. So, the fire alarm goes off and I get Luke and the stroller and lug it all outside and stand there for awhile (it reminded me of old Olivet days.) As we were all going back back in, the director turns to me and said – “at least you know your child will be well taken care of in case of a fire.” Very true! I was quite impressed with how quickly and efficiently all the care-workers were able to get the children out.

Before the orientation, those of us who brought our kids signed them into the hourly care room. Of course, Luke cried the entire time I was gone. Hopefully he’ll adjust quickly. We sat through a very informative orientation and took a walkthrough of the building. I’m very pleased with what they offer and the kind of care they give. I’m thinking about taking Luke in for a few hours each week. I think it’ll be good for him to interact with other kids and it’ll also be a change of scenery for him. It’ll also give me a chance to clean the house or go grocery shopping or maybe even just sit on the couch with a cup of coffee and a good book. I really think this will be a blessing. The cost is fairly reasonable too. So all in all, I’m a happy camper.

So this weekend I will be hitting the driver’s book hard. In the midst of studying, I also want to finish all the laundry from the move as well as get most of the rooms to a presentable stage. Man, I’m tired all ready! =)

So, that’s the news from this week! Maybe Chris will post soon – for those of you who are missing his humor and wisdom. =) Sorry, no pictures this time – I don’t think I’ve actually taken any since the last time I posted (gasp – I know, Mindy goes a day without taking a picture of Luke! Shock!) Hopefully the next post will have pictures of our apartment and maybe even a belly picture.

Until then – take care and we love you all!


Amber said...

Congrats! I am so happy for you guys, regardless of what the little baby pops out as :) Of course, if it is in fact a boy, he and Luke might end up fighting over Gracelynn...Luke will only be 14 months older and she will only be about 5 months older than Baby Bee. Hmm...whatever shall we do??? Love you guys!

Teniah Ashlyn said...

How awesome! Congrats and good luck with having two boys!! haha.....=) Could Chris be working towards his own sports team!? ha....

I'm excited that you finally got into child care. Don't worry about Luke too much, he will adjust before you know it!

Love you!