Monday, September 10, 2007

Weekend Progress

Hello again everyone!

I thought I would blog about our weekend progress. =) We started right away Saturday morning. Chris put together Luke’s crib (with some help from Luke.) The bigger Luke gets, the smaller his crib looks! =) I was a little worried that it might take awhile for him to adjust to sleeping in a different bed AND a new room. He’s transitioned beautifully though. The only thing that’s gone wrong is that somehow he pinned himself under his blanket in the middle of the night. Don’t ask me how he did it, but somehow he did. When he tried to change positions, he realized he was stuck. He let us all know with high-pitched screaming. I think I would have done the same though – being a bit claustrophobic and all. Anyway, he was fine – just a little scared. Chris brought him in to bed with us for a few minutes, and then put him back down in his crib. He slept like a charm!

We worked on the guest room quite a bit – I think because it was the least daunting of rooms! =) We got most of that finished – but now it’s become a “holding” room for decorative items and half-filled boxes from the living and dining room. We moved into the dining/living room area – where most of the boxes still remained. At times we just walked in circles because we just didn’t know what to do next. Somehow we managed to start putting a dent in it all. Today there are only a few boxes left – and I can see the floor!!! =)

The kitchen and master bedroom are different stories though. We did nothing to the master bedroom. It’s still a mess of clothes and boxes and random things. Chris found my pots and pans – which I washed and put away – and that’s about all that was accomplished in the kitchen. =)

Luke thinks it’s all a big game. He goes around getting into everything – strewing it all across the house. =) I have a half-filled box of books that he has managed to open and empty about 10 times.

Hopefully the momentum will continue this week. I have a lot I need to do this month –other than unpacking. I still need to take my drivers class and test. Unfortunately, I can’t do that until I get Luke enrolled in childcare. Once I do that, I have to hope I can get him in on the date of a class and test. I was told they give priority to working parents and parents who are in school – after that, us stay-at-home moms can select whatever dates are left – if any. So I’m praying the day I need to take the class and test will have an opening.

Let’s see – what else…oh yes – thank you all for your response on my sciatic nerve issue. =) It has gotten much better over the last few days. By the end of the day it’s jumping around a little, but nothing like the other night. I’ve been able to walk to the bathroom every night since. =)

Alrighty - here are some pictures and then I’m off to keep working n the house!

Luke and Daddy putting together the crib...again...=)

YAY! a real bed again!

Somehow, when our backs were turned, Luke found a roll of toilet paper. Jay Jay (his little stuffed animal) got the brunt of it! =) Oh yeah - we put down the dining room rug in his room for now. We plan to get him a blue or red rug for his room when we get the chance. And yes, I have a second crib mattress on the floor. I'm just anticipating him climbing out soon - I just don't want him to fall on the hard floor once he realizes he can shimmy up the bars.


Poor Jay Jay!

Luke walking his little toy dog...he really misses Riley.

He's learning to eat with a spoon...

How cute is this?! In the spirit of football season, my two favorite boys put on their jerseys!

how adorable!
More later!


Anonymous said...

I LOVE the picture of the guys in their jerseys! I think I feel scrapbooking coming on! Litte One and Tiger say "Hi" and that they miss you all terribly! They have their own room now and have adjusted quite well to their "better" accommodations! They claim their neighbors are a little noisy, though! (Blue and Sam)

Amber said...

Your guys are so handsome! Thank you for your comment. Yes...she is a genius :) She has looks and smarts...perfect for Luke's future wife :) Thank you for the complitment. I still feel so huge, but I know that it will get better with time. I finally went out and bought some pants. That made me feel a little better to get out of the maternity clothes. Love you guys. Wish I was there...or you were here.

Teniah Ashlyn said...

I know everyone is saying it, but how can I help myself - the boys are SOOO cute! I Love those pictures! -

I have to say that I was looking at Luke's picture going, "Is that toilet paper everywhere?" and I'm trying to squint and see if it could really be what it looked like, then I got down to your comment!!! What a trip.....You really do have your hands full - and I thought Walter was the only little boy obsessed with "the roll"......=) haha....

kimberly said...

um, WAY too cute.

Unknown said...

Absolutely adorable!!!! You sure do have your hands full there.

Hugs & Kisses & Missing you lots