Saturday, September 08, 2007

Oh My Aching Back!

I don’t know why I find my new situation so funny – because it hurts like the dickens, but somehow it strikes me (and I think Chris) as hilarious. =) With pregnancy comes some unpleasant symptoms. I remember dealing with this last time, but I don’t remember what I did to help it out - I guess this is why you should write everything down. =) Anyway, all of a sudden last night, my sciatic nerve went CRAZY! I was just lying in bed reading my book. I went to turn over and all of a sudden I had searing pain in my back and leg. Although it may not sound funny – it kinda was because I’m trying to call for Chris to help me move – all the while trying to find a suitable position to relieve the pain (and trying to find any position with a pregnant belly is always a challenge.) Chris comes in to help me and nothing worked - we are both laughing - but the laughing makes it hurt worse - and the worse it hurt, the more I couldn't stop laughing! I ended up just awkwardly flopping from one position to another with no relief. Finally I was able to find a position that didn’t put so much pressure on the sciatic and was able to sleep. However, when I got up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom (another unpleasant symptom of pregnancy) my sciatic was still out of control! It took me 10 minutes just to get out of bed and then I couldn’t stand! If I could show you video footage, you would see why this is funny. It really doesn’t sound funny, but like I said – for some reason it just is. =) So anyway, I crawl to the bathroom. =) I guess all the moving around limbered me up to be able to walk back to bed. So I awkwardly crawl back in bed and go to sleep. This morning it seems better, but it’s still acting up a little. So, the reason I wrote all this was to ask any of you out there if you know any way to relieve the sciatic craziness? Any stretches? I’ve looked it up online, but was wondering if any of you had any personal experiences or knew of some things that might help. I know that the growing baby and the added weight on my body is the main cause – and that can’t be relieved for another 19 weeks. =) So any advise would be much appreciated! =)

Hopefully today (as long as my sciatic doesn’t up and crawl out of my back) Chris and I can make some progress on the house. My main goal is to get Luke’s room set up and get the kitchen started. I’ll post pictures once things start taking shape. =)

Alrighty, off to drink my 1 cup of coffee and start on the house!


Anonymous said...

Sorry, Min. Mine drove me nuts last time - but I didn't find anything that really helped. I always looked like Quasimoto by the time I finished grocery shopping. Hope it feels better soon! Love you guys!


Amber said...

The only thing that helped me was seeing a Chiropractor. I am not sure in Germany, but they actually have prenatal care with some chiropractors. Anyway...other than that just avoid things that require twisting. I know it sounds weird, but vacuuming and sweeping can REALLY irritate the sciatic nerve. Probably all the lifting and twisting of unpacking made it worse. Sorry you are dealing with that :(


Teniah Ashlyn said...

As one of your un-pregnant friends (by the way, am I the only one!? haha) I'm of absolutely no comfort or help to you!......My advise is to have Chris to all the hard labor from here on out! haha.....=) Bet you like that advise better than anyone else's! =) Just kidding....

Hope you feel better - take a break and don't work so hard!

Anonymous said...

Michael has the same problem (minus the pregnant part). Trips to the chiropractor (der Chiropraktiker) help. His recommends driving or laying with a tennis ball under the problem area (sounds comfy, I know). Missin' you lots,

Teniah Ashlyn said...

I thought of you when I read this....Love you and hope you are feeling better -

May God give you...
For every storm, a rainbow,
For every tear, a smile,
For every care, a promise,
And a blessing in each trial.
For every problem life sends,
A faithful friend to share,
For every sigh, a sweet song,
And an answer for each prayer.

The Nichols Family said...

Hey Min. I am a few days behind on the blog. My friendly advice would be a chiropractor if you can find one. If that is not an option then what you do is sit on the ground, whatever side it is that is bothering you keep the opposite leg straight, pull the leg on the side that hurts at the knee towards your belly and hold it for a minute or so. You should feel it stretching at your lower back and down your butt cheek. If you do this 3 or 4 times a day it will help. Also lots of hot baths, use Epsom Salt in your bath it can be used for sore muscles. I did this quite frequently. Well enough of my babbling. The kids and I made it back to Kansas. Rob should be back in about 10 days. Keep in touch. Lots of loves. Hugs to all. LYN