With the weekend drawing to a close I thought I'd put up some random pictures from the last few days. We haven't been too busy, just relaxing and going out to eat and such. Luke is feeling about twenty times better, and is really smiling and laughing at everything now. He's back to normal from the looks of it.
The bad news is Grandma Jan is sick now. She may have caught what Luke had; she's been out of commission all day. Come to think of it, I haven't seen her at all- Steve's been up and down taking care of her. So hopefully she gets better, we all don't get sick, and we can have a fun last few days. Keep your fingers crossed.
We went for a walk on Saturday night. Luke had a great time once he was out of the stroller. He loves walking around and playing with the grass. We didn't stay too long- the flies were out in force, and there are about a million and a half ants around here.
Luke's been doing this Mick Jagger thing a lot lately. It's really funny, and we have no idea where he got it from. I'm thinking I should turn down the classic rock station I usually listen to before he picks another rock star to emulate.
Grandma and Grandpa took us to Outback on Sunday afternoon for an early anniversary gift. Luke had a great time, and got to sit with the the big folks after we were done.
Mommy tried to read to Luke, but he wanted to play. Reading is fun...we end up reading the same books over and over, and Luke has no idea what we're talking about, so we just make stuff up while we read. You gotta be creative...
Min bought some bubbles and Luke loves them. He chases after them and squeals and laughs.
Grandma and Grandpa also bought us a new coffee maker...it's the new version of the our old one that we threw away when we got here. I call it the "Hamilton's Own" coffee maker (ok, one of you out there will get it). Luke loves the box, and this is further evidence that we are wasting our money on toys.
Mommy feeds Luke some barbeque from Sticky Fingers. Riley is learning that's the place to be at dinner time, since Luke inevitably gets tired of eating and starts throwing his food on the floor.
It doesn't show here, but Luke was laughing hysterically at the BBQ pork Mindy gave him. We think it was because it was stringy. He's a trip. Thankfully he's been eating a lot better. We even got him to eat a banana (Mom and Dad, you guys should appreciate that one).
A special shout out to my little brother, who turned 26 today. So we're all tracking, that's four more years until he's 30 (and yes, I know I am less than a year away...). Hope everyone had a good weekend!