Monday, November 10, 2008

It's been awhile...

It's been awhile since I've done individual updates, so here goes!

Luke is definitely in the constantly learning stage. I think I hear something new out of him every day. His speaking just amazes me on a daily basis. It's so exciting to be able to communicate with him by having whole conversations!

He really enjoys doing flashcards, crafts and learning time. He is still really into his cars and trains - and running around the backyard! He likes to be on the go-go-go. This morning he told me that he wanted to "go somewhere." He didn't care where, he just wanted to be out and doing something.

One of his favorite activities is to get in his wagon and "go see da horsies" and to "pet da kitties" and "Check da taamatoes" then to "go to da wiver." Which means the boys get in the wagon, we walk to our neighbors corals to see their horses, pet the kitties that live in the barn, check the tomatoes that are in their garden (we have their permission to do all this!) and then we walk down and throw rocks and acorns into the river. Now that it's getting colder, it's not as easy to get out and do this - but we do it when we can.

Luke is working on his counting. The other day he said, "One, two, fwour, sebenteen." I love it!

He is becoming much more comfortable in the church nursery and he's really really loving his Caravans class. This is a HUGE praise! Luke has dealt with extreme separation anxiety for a very long time now. To be able to leave him without him crying and screaming the entire time is a miracle - and I am so so so excited we're finally getting to that point. The last two times I've dropped him off at his class and nursery, he's done fantastic! No tears, no breakdowns - Waaaaahooooo!

We are still dealing with Luke's picky eating - but he is doing better than he was. In fact, I think he's even put on some weight...though he's still pretty skinny. His whining is beginning to improve for the most part...though it's a continual work in progress. I'm learning what works and what doesn't when it comes to stopping the whining before if dissolves into a full fledge temper tantrum. It can still be a pretty big battle though. Ahhhh, the terrible two's! =)

Luke has been able to have a few conversations with Chris over the webcam. He has definitely shown his longing for daddy lately. He wants to constantly watch movies of Chris and him together, he keeps telling me all the things he wants to do with daddy when he comes home, and he really enjoys showing Chris things on the webcam...though he seems to think that Chris lives IN the camera. I guess to a two year old, that's the only thing that makes sense. We are really looking forward to Chris's R&R time. Luke likes to talk about how daddy will come home on an airplane and how we'll pick him up at the airport and have signs to hold up for him. It's gonna be fun!

Will had his 9 month check-up a few weeks ago. Short of the beginnings of an ear infection (for which the Dr. prescribed antibiotics for) he was in great health and developmentally on track. He measured in at 30 inches long and weighed in at 23 pounds. He was in the 90th% for his weight and the 95th% for his length and head circumference. Thankfully he wasn't due for any vaccinations. The last time he had shots, he had a 103 degree temp for 3 days and then broke out in a nasty red rash. I talked to the Dr. about it and he said it sounded like Rubella - and it was probably just coincidence that he contracted it right after his vaccinations. I'm still a bit leery about it though...If it was a reaction to the shots - I'd hate to see what his next reaction might be. Thankfully we don't have to worry about it until February.

Will is up and cruising! I still think it'll be a little while before he takes his first steps on his own, but he's definitely moving in that direction. He loves to walk with the assistance of his play gate, furniture, his crib, our help, etc. He loves to jump up and down in his crib (while holding on to the crib railing.) He's also learning how to stand on his own. With each passing try, he clocks more and more time in his standing and balancing.

His interaction has just blossomed. He is really into mimicking right now. Sounds, noises, motions. He loves it! He's waving, kissing, throwing his hands above his head, saying ma-ma - and he's biting and pinching too! Yeah - his little teethers can administer quite a painful bite...and his little fingers can squeeze the snot out of your arms - Ouch! We're working on that. He's a fiesty one! He still has an extremely sweet disposition (short of the mischeivous biting and pinching) and his smile just melts my heart.

He loves to play. He LOVES music. He dances by bobbing his head or rocking his body - it's SO cute! He adores Luke and wants to do everything just like them. My favorite is when they chase each other crawling on the floor. The squeals and laugher that come from that game are the BEST!

He is definitely ready to give up baby food. He loves table food - so I've been giving him what I can off the table while still trying to scoop a few bites of baby veggies or fruit into his mouth too. He is still nursing - but has thankfully tapered off a bit during the day. We're probably at every 4 hours - give or take depending on his mood. Nights can still range from 3-5 times during the night.

I'm trying to learn how to teach Will not to wiggle and struggle so much when I'm changing his diaper and putting his clothes on. This has been a huge battle. Will is always go-go-go and to be held down for a diaper and/or clothing change is not his idea of fun. He makes a 1-2 minute job a 10 minute job. I've tried giving him toys to play with, putting a mobile above his head - singing, talking - I just don't know what to do. I know it doesn't sound like a big deal - but it can get incredibly frustrating...especially considering how many times he gets his diaper and clothes changed in a day. I dread changing him every single time. So if anyone has any ideas or advise, please please please share!!

Chris said he was going to post soon. So be looking for that in the next few weeks!

I am doing well. We have really settled into life here in Maryland. I enjoy doing the Visual Productions ministry at the church and the boys keep me busy busy busy - always on my toes and always on the go. Sometimes it's hard to find time to do everything - or to find the proper balance in getting everything accomplished. I'm trying to prioritize and organize...but that in itself can be time consuming too! I'm behind on pretty much everything! So please forgive me for not staying in better contact and please know that I love you all very much!

Alrighty, must work on our next video series that's coming up for church. Here are a few pictures from the last few weeks.

Stay warm!

Here is Luke and Will in the "boat"...

We were blessed with a really nice warm day a few weeks ago, so we played outside...

Here is one of Luke's many tantrums! =)

Riley and Kaylee really do love each other...somewhere deep down in their hearts!


Unknown said...

Hey Mindy!
I always love reading your updates on the boys. I feel like I am in the same room and can hear them saying their words and making their noises!
Miss you all!

Ruth said...

LOL, our doggies do that too! Haha, since we don't have kids yet I relate to canines ^_^

Amber said...

The tantrum picture is PRICELESS!!! I can't tell you how many times I have seen that face on Gracelynn! You are doing great, Min, and I am proud of you!