Thursday, October 30, 2008

Pumpkin Carving Fun!

Tonight we decided it was "now or never" on carving the pumpkins for this season. I allowed Luke to stay up an hour past his normal bedtime to help us carve the first two pumpkins. Right after I got a tired Will into bed - we started in on the pumpkins. Guka is very creative, so the pumpkins turned out great! You'll notice my triangle eye and nose pumpkin...that's about as far as my pumpkin carving ability goes! =)

"Arrrggg Matey - this is a mighty heavy pumpkin -aye it is!"

Mommy and Luke before the carving began!

And the "gutting" begins!

Gotta make sure it's all outta there!

Luke thought he was helping mommy by smacking the pumpkin in the face....-sigh- boys...=)

The pumpkin carving crew! MeMe found the candles for the pumpkins - thus she opted out of the gooey gutting and carving stage of the evening. =)

Luke was very diligent in getting all the insides out...

A finished product!

All lit up!

Pumpkins peeking out the window...

We all had a fabulous time! Luke is really looking forward to Trunk-or-treat (an event our church puts on where people decorate the trunk of their vehicles and hand out candy in the church parking lot.) I'll post pictures of that very soon!

And -because a blog just isn't complete without a picture of Will - here's two! =)

Out for a wagon ride! Brrrrrr - it's cold ma ma!

Will loves bath time. He loves it so much that he even tries to climb over the edge of the tub...and the scary thing is - he can do it - and he can do it in a flash! I have to keep my hands on this child his entire bath because he's such a daredevil!
More later!


Anonymous said...

The boys are SO cute! I'm pretty sure Jamie would love Luke's costume (as his new favorite phrase is "argh matey.") Although...he does have a thing for dinosaurs, too! Hope you guys have a great time at Trunk or Treat! Love you all!

Amber said...

Gracelynn STILL tries to climb into the tub. And the scarey thing is she is tall enough to get in! We leave the bathroom door shut all the time now. The boys look so good in their costumes and I love the pumpkins. I imagine next year G will be able to actually help with that. This year we painted our pumpkins :)

Happy Halloween!

Barb said...

Your pumpkins look awesome glowing in the window. I love the one who looks like she is batting her eyelashes. And the old-fashioned triangle eyes will always get a vote out of me.

Happy Halloweeeeeeeeeeeeen!!! Have fun trunk or treating Matey Luke and Dino Will.