Monday, July 03, 2006

Delayed Departures

Sunday afternoon we tried to get rid of Mom....but US Airways wouldn't let us. Her flight got delayed in KC, and before we got her on the plane here in Man-happenin, they told us she might not make all her connections and could get stuck in Philly overnight. So she ended up staying in town until tomorrow, and is on the flight back with my dad. Crazy...she swore her boss wouldn't believe that it was really out of her control. So Henry, if you read this, I can be a witness that she really did try. She was so disappointed she didn't get to leave...OK, that's a huge lie. She was definitely glad to come back home and surprise Mindy after she'd already done the tearful goodbye.

I do have to apologize for accidentally disabling the comments feature on the blog last week. I was messing around with the settings and inadvertantly checked the "moderate" option. When I looked in the moderate tab tonight, I saw we had 22 pending messages...whoa. So sorry. I set it back the way I had it, so if you comment and it doesn't show up, I'll know what to do now.

In that same vein, Mindy wants to thank everyone for all the comments. She reads them all, and appreciates all your interest in our lives, even if it borders on obsession. She also wanted to thank everyone for the birthday greetings. She swears that she'll post one day... I know you are all sick of my smart aleck comments. In her defense, she's a little busy...Mom described it as being "udderly occupied" if you catch my drift (Mom has spent way too much time married to my dad). She ends up spending a lot of her time attached to Luke. But she will comment, I give you my word.

So this has been a busy several days since last post. I went back to work for Friday, during which time Mindy and I got our ID cards redone (since I've been a captain for four months now and my ID still said 1st Lieutenant), as well as got our vehicle re-registered on post because of our new windshield. We ended up staying in that night, watching a movie, and playing Balderdash- at which I destroyed everyone, FYI. I really am that good. Saturday we went bowling in Manhattan. It was a great time, and Mindy definitely enjoyed getting out. After that we went to Famous Dave's (for the first time since it induced Mindy to labor). I honestly think I've eaten so much food the last four weeks that I'm now two times my normal size. I'm all over a diet when everyone leaves. We did the church routine on Sunday morning, Cracker Barrel for lunch, and then got the word mom was staying in town in the afternoon. We went out to Chili's last night for some dessert, continuing our non-stop food binge. Dad and I played golf this morning (I won by three strokes...and yes, there was a little cheating from both of us) and then we all went out to eat and do some grocery shopping. Tonight has just been spent relaxing and trying to find something interesting to watch on TV.

Luke has been changing so much over the last few weeks. It's kinda hard for us to really see it since we're with him constantly, but he's gotten so big and he's more alert more often now. He can hold his head up for a long time when we sit him up, which is really cool, especially when he looks at you. He can't track too well- at least it's hard to tell what he sees sometimes- but he definitely sees things in front of him. It's really amazing. He's been feeding like a madman- I think he's competing with the rest of us in some sort of eating contest. Mindy feeds him, at which he eats for almost an hour per sitting. Then we have about two to three hours to do something before he wants to chow down again. We're still not on a true routine, but it's developing. Night time is still routine-ish, but days are up and down. He still gets gassy a lot, so we're taking comforting tips from dad before he leaves. He's much more alert, so we have lots of fun looking at him and making over him when he's awake and not crying or feeding.

As before, here's the latest pictures for you all to enjoy. My apologies again for the comment snafu; hopefully all's well now. I was wondering where everyone went...and then I realized it was my fault. Yes, I am the guy who helps defend the nation- in fact my job is in communications and involves computers. Sleep well, America. Sleep well.

Yes, Mindy's birthday cake was decorated with a "25" written in sugar

What an idiot...

We tried to get mom to act like she was mad she had to come back, but she just couldn't find her motivation

"Oh, I do declare"

Mom Mom and Luke

Jabba the Hutt

The three generations of Scott men- Steve, Chris, and Luke

Luke is not happy here

Nor can tell the order we took the last three pics, huh?


Anonymous said...

Happy Belated Birthday to Mindy. I just got in from North Carolina and couldn't wait to catch up on the new postings. The pictures are great!! I'll catch up on the "grandma" news tomorrow.

Amber said...

OK...I am so glad you got the comment thing fixed. Loved seeing you...even if only for a bit. See you soon
