Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Evening Refreshment

The weather was beautiful last night! The boys' moods were not. Just getting through supper was a HUGE ordeal. So, even though it was bath time, cleanup time and bedtime, I opted for some evening playtime outside instead. This was not only for the kids to run off some energy and have fun, but I also knew some fresh air would do my nerves good...since I was just about on my last one with the boys last night.

The weather was perfect. I let the boys take their footballs out to the field next to our house and I sat down to do something that always calms my nerves and took pictures. Then we played a game of tag that ran off a ton of energy for the boys and myself included! =)

After we were worn out from running around the yard, we headed down to the river to throw some rocks in and play in the sand. They were filthy, but happy! I snapped a few more shots and as the sun set, we headed in for quick baths, cleanup and bedtime for the boys. Their moods (as well as mine) were much improved by the end of the night.

Times like this always make me realize that I don't get out and play with my kids enough. I always intend to, but busyness seems to take over even when I am consciously trying to not let it...if that makes any sense at all.

Anyway, it ended up being a refreshing evening despite the rocky start! =)

1 comment:

Barb said...

Hooray for playing outside. The water pics are beautiful. Glad you enjoyed our wonderful summer evening.