Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Uphill Battle

Potty Training. Ugh. Right now I feel like I’m fighting an uphill battle. I’m going to try to push through the rest of this week and see where we’re at – but a break may be necessary next week. We are having about a 50% success rate right now – but to get that is like pulling teeth. Having read some on potty training and taking many people’s wonderful advice to heart – I am trying (not always succeeding, but trying very very hard) to remain calm, cool and collected with him – even though I feel like I’m losing my mind on the inside. =) I really believe once he gets it, he’ll have it down – it’s just getting past his resistance to doing something new (which I knew we’d have to work through even before starting this.)

I’m trying to figure out which technique works best for Luke. Yesterday I tried the “sit on the potty until you go” technique. That resulted in him sitting on the potty all morning…over 2 ½ hours before he finally went…and I knew he had to go when I asked him to sit on the potty…so he held it for 2 ½ hours before he grew weary of resisting. Hmmmm…not sure this is the technique for Luke.

So, now I’m trying to have him sit on the potty for 5-10 minutes every hour or so throughout the day. We’ll see how he does with this technique today. I’m also treating him to a few M&M’s every time he goes on the potty.

Any specific techniques that worked for you? Tips or advice? I’m all ears! =)


Erica said...

For our boys, I had them sit on the potty every 15-20 minutes. I had them drinking milk/juice all day long so they would be well hydrated and have to go. M&M's were a reward for going on the potty and then a BIG reward after they were fully trained (a bike for Cole and I don't remember for Liam!). Hang in there, you can do it!

Oh, it took about a week for Cole to get the hang of it. We stayed home the entire week too. Liam was faster but every kiddo is different!

Jeff and Joy Scott Family said...

I don't remember how we trained Josh. Going to preschool helped. JOy could probably give you more info here, all I know is, he's trained. Except that he needs "help" every now and then.

We're just starting with Jordan. I have to admit our problem with her is parental motivation. We're just lazy! But we've had some success. At this point, we're just putting her on the pot every now and then and rewarding successes. She gets one Skittle for pee-pee and a trip to Disney world for number 2! Just kidding, she gets two skittles for #2. We're not stressing about it. I've decided not to fight her on it, it'll happen. I'm confident that she'll go to college fully potty trained!

Sounds like you're doing just fine to me. My only advice is to not stress over it. I'm sure kids pick up on that stuff.


Anonymous said...

Hey, don't worry, it won't happen over night! It sounds like you are coming along just fine. The others are right. Don't stress over it but don't give up either! Ma

Anonymous said...

You're both doing great, Min! He'll get it.

Advice...hmm...with J I finally just put him in undies - for good. Then every time he went in his pants, I just made him stop whatever he was doing, sit on the pot (even if he didn't have to go anymore - I just put him on for a minute), then go upstairs and change clothes. It eventually got to the point where he realized it was way easier (and took less time from playing) to just go to the toilet.

I've also heard of letting them run around naked. Apparently, that takes less time. Never had the courage to try that one out though :-)


Cherry said...

Hey Min,
I know you're stressing over this, but I really think taking a break would be a big mistake. Luke might think he's getting his own way by throwing a fit. I like the idea of having him sit on the potty for a few minutes every hour. When he has an accident make sure he's part of the clean up process. Yes he'll need help, but eventually he'll learn. Usually recognizing the "I gotta go" feeling will suddenly click and he'll have much fewer accidents.

I'm prayin' for ya.

Annie said...

I know how you feel! Lizzie wants so badly to be potty trained one day and then the next she refuses to wear diapers OR pee on the potty, resulting in a ton of pee on my floor.

I too felt the very frustrated screaming in my head as I watched Lizzie pee on the floor just minutes after she refused to pee on the potty.

It sounds like you have heard some really great advice - the M&Ms are a good one.

One that my friend Maggie said was to put Cheerios on the potty and have him squirt them with pee pee :)

Oh, and off topic - I have a new blog now! Hope you can check it out and update your link

God bless!