Wow – am I ever behind on blogging! I can’t even begin to get caught up right now, but hopefully over the next few months I can at least get most of the photo’s posted from the last month.
We’ve kept quite busy – and though jetlag is almost completely out of our system – I still have quite a bit to do to be completely settled in. Luke’s room is almost setup – short a few “CARS” accessories. My room…well…it’s getting there. I’ve been moving furniture around to find the right layout…and the best babyproofed layout. That is the biggest challenge as Will is into EVERYTHING. Everything goes in his mouth – everything...I’ve even had to snatch electrical cords out of his hands and mouth…he just moves too quickly these days! Not to mention how many times he’s overturned the dog’s water dishes…maybe I should put his baby soap by the dog dish so I can just lather him up every time he soaks himself – that would save me from giving him a bath in the evenings.
I had a few new furniture purchases in my head (new desk and chair, etc.) but because I ordered my new computer…and spent a little more than anticipated…I decided I didn’t need new furniture for awhile. =) Though – I did buy a new couch that fits my space perfectly. Our couches are huge and overstuffed…so they’ll go into storage until we buy our house. This new couch is small and colorful – and the price was WAY amazing!
Next week I have my board interview for my local minister’s license. I’m a bit nervous as most of my conversations over the last two years have been directed to infants and toddlers…i.e. my children. I just hope I don’t say something like, “Original Sin was when Mr. Adam and Miss Eve made a big boo-boo and didn’t listen to God’s rules – it was a big No-No.”
I think next week will also bring a meeting with the Worship/Administrative Pastor to discuss the logistics of my new job. I’m really excited to get started. I just ordered my dream computer for video editing – and I’m really pumped to see how it works. It’s supposed to bring the rendering time of edited videos down to minutes opposed to hours. That’s fantastic news! The longest process of editing has always been the rendering time…then if you have to make one little change – it takes hours to re-render the project. Since I had the computer custom built – it’ll probably be another week or two before I get it – but I’m sure it’ll be worth the extra wait.
We have yet to find a routine/schedule for the boys. That may take a few more weeks to establish. Naps have been…uh…really rough. Getting Luke to bed at night has been quite the ordeal as well. I’m sure that a routine will begin to help those issues. Let me see if I can do a quick brief of what the boys are up too:
Luke: Luke is having a really awesome time. He really misses his friends in Germany though (as do I.) Luke has become quite the outdoors boy. We’ve never lived in a place that provided him safe and easy access to play outdoors. I think he’s been outside more the last week then he has his whole life! Guka built him a sandbox – and he has thoroughly enjoyed playing with his sand, trucks, sand toys, and sidewalk chalk. The environmental change seemed to do a number on his sinuses as he has a loose cough and runny nose – but doesn’t seem to actually be sick. Plus his appetite and complexion has improved dramatically.
He is talking constantly. He can now talk in full and complete sentences – and it’s great to watch him learn and imitate a conversation. He is quite opinionated and strong-willed as well. =) He has been a bit overwhelmed by meeting so many new people in such a short time period – and I’ve seen his shy/reserved side dominate in a lot of social situations. Luke is an observer/processor so it takes him awhile to adjust to new people and new situations. Once everyone looks familiar to him though, he’ll start to break through his shy shell. He is really loving living with his MeMe and Guka. He is Guka’s shadow! He also loves when he gets to spend time with Uncle Randy and Aunt Jamie.
Will: Will is growing everyday. He is as happy as a lark for the most part. He wants to move move move! Now if only we could work on his sleep…=) He has been eating cheerios, baby food, and some table food. He’s not a big fan of the baby food – but seems to like more solid food. I’m not too concerned since he still primarily nurses for his nourishment. He still hasn’t slept through the night yet…ever. He nurses quite a bit during the night still – probably more as a comfort than for hunger.
He chatters and sings all the time – and I love hearing his dinstinct little voice cattering away – “mamamamamama” “babababababa” *raspberry* *smack the table repeatedly* “uhhhhhh” *smile* "ahbababab"
He’s become a very good natured baby. He’ll let anyone hold him. He laughs and smiles and just has a good ole time. His facial expressions are priceless. He’ll have the most somber face – like he’s contemplating a difficult mathematics equation – then he’ll break out in a huge smile that lights up his whole face. It makes your heart melt!
He’s still quite the chunk. He was off the charts in his length and head circumference and in the 95th percentile for his weight…almost 22 lbs! No wonder he’s so heavy to lug around! =)
There is so much more I could blog about, but I’m going to have to stop for now. Once I get my new computer set up, I’ll try to get back into blogging weekly...and I’ll try to catch up on my e-mails too. =)
You’ll have to wait for pictures until I get my computer set up. I tried to upload some – but they all “errored.” Sorry! =(
More later!