We are all sadly still sick. Luke seems to have gotten the worst of it so far. He’s had a fever, horrible congestion and now a cough. Will still has some congestion and a cough…and I’m still in the beginning stages – sore swollen throat and nasal congestion. Uh-oh – Will’s awake! I’ll be back…whenever I can be! =)
Ok – where was I? Oh yeah – how could I forget…sick. =) I feel so bad for the boys. The sun’s been out – the weather has been decent – there were children activities on post this weekend – and they’re sick at home. I hope the sun will start to burn up all these viruses floating around. I have really felt my limitations with both boys being sick (and fighting a cold myself.) They’ve both needed a lot more attention and I find that my two arms and one lap sometimes just aren’t enough. We’re making it though – God is still God and He is Good! So far only having two arms and one lap hasn’t made us worse for the wear…yet! It’s just teaching us all patience…funny – I don’t remember praying for patience! =)
Will turned 3 months last week! In so many ways it feels like it’s been a year since he’s been born – in other ways I can’t believe my little baby is 3 months now! I don’t remember what I’ve blogged about him doing, so forgive me if I’m repeating myself…I tend to be a repeater. =)
Will is LOVING his Jumperoo. I didn’t really think he’d bounce around in it when I pulled it out – but knew it would be a good way for him to be upright. He proved me wrong and jumps and bounces in utter delight! He get’s so excited – he’ll spread his arms out – eyes wide – and starts to breathe fast with excitement and jump and jump – then take a break to catch his breath – play with the toys for a few minutes – then back to jumping!
He’s started playing (as much as a 3 mo old can) with his toys. He’ll grab on them – put them in his mouth – stare at them – move them. I thought he was done with one the other day and took it away, and he cried! So I gave it right back to him. =)
He’s rolling and scooting. I think I blogged about the rolling? Now when he’s on his stomach, he’ll attempt to scoot. It’s pretty funny to see him trying to scootch his arms and legs forward…only to move mere centimeters. Thankfully crawling is at least another 3-4 months away…I’m not sure I’m ready to have 2 mobile children yet!
Will LOVES watching Luke. I think Luke will teach Will all kinds of mischief and trouble. As long as Luke is playing with him or in front of him – Will’s happy.
We’ve had lots of fun blow-out diapers of late...actually, now that I think about it - it's been a daily occurrence for quite some time now...guess I need to go up a size in diapers. I may need more Zout too! =)
With the onset of this last cold, Will’s been VERY fussy lately. He’s back to wanting to be held 24/7 again and will wake up if I try to lay him down. He’s even started to get really fussy EVEN when I’m holding him in the evenings…which is something that I thought we were over now…he was like that as a newborn – but had been doing really well until now. I don’t blame him though – if he’s miserable, he wants to express it! It does make for some rough evenings when there is nothing I can do to comfort him and he screams...and screams...and screams...and...well, you get the point...=)
Before the cold hit – he was doing a bit better about being laid down. I could usually count on a quick morning nap (shower time for me!) a small mid-morning and afternoon nap – a short early evening nap – and then usually he’s asleep for bed at around 9 -10pmish. It changes constantly as he gets older and needs less sleep though. His naps aren’t very long…I guess he’d just rather be awake! I don’t think he knows how good he has it to be able to sleep all day long…sleep….mmmm…
Will has started giggling. I can usual get him to give a little giggle if I tickle him…sometimes. =) The other night, Luke was playing with his trucks going, “vrrrrooooommmm.” I was holding Will in the rocking chair. I joined in with Luke on the vrooming sound effects and Will thought it was giggle worthy – so he let out a giggle – which made me laugh – which made him giggle – which made me laugh all the harder –which made Luke laugh…well, you get the picture. =)
Ok – on to Mr. Luke. We can now hold some sort of conversation! It’s such a fun and amazing thing to watch his communication skills blossom. He asks where everything goes – “Bug – go?” “Sippy – go?” “Puppy – go?” He says hi and bye to everything too – “Hi bewr (bear)!” “Bu-bye bunny.” He likes to narrate what Will is doing: “Will weepbeam (sleeping).” “Will cwying” He’ll even answer my questions (at times.) The other day I asked if he wanted some apple sauce to which he replied, “ess.” He talks all the time – if he hears a plane in the sky, he says “palane” 50 million times. If he sees a bug in the window – he says that 50 million times. It’s amazing to watch how he “practices” his words. I guess repetition is the key! =)
Luke knows his basic shapes – circle (kakal), triangle(tri-ka-kul) and square (quware.) And is beginning to understand numbers…a little bit. He’s also beginning to recognize letters. Last night we had pancakes for supper and he pointed to my syrup plate(we were dipping our pancakes in syrup to create less mess on his part) and said “Beeeee!” I looked and sure enough, some how my syrup looked like a rugged B (I double dipped my pancake!) I love this stage so much – it’s like they develop and learn on a daily basis.
We’ve started what we refer to as “learning time.” After his playtime, we pull out flashcards, the president pictures, coloring books – whatever we have laying around – and we spend some time learning. Right now his concentration level isn’t very high – so it’s not always a very long period of time, but it’s fun nonetheless.
Running circles in the living room has become a new favorite of Luke’s. He picked it up from another little boy at playgroup. Now he’ll take off and run and run circles – or just turn around and around and around until he’s too dizzy to stand. I usually sing ring-around-the-rosie just so he’ll have to fall down and have a few seconds to regroup. Otherwise he makes himself so dizzy he’s falling all over the place. Silly boy!
He’s started jumping off things now. He’ll jump off a step, off his floor mattress (which I store under his bed and pull out for nap time and bedtime…this way if he rolls out of bed, he has a soft landing!) I’m hoping he doesn’t attempt a jump off the couch or chair…eek! =)
He's also started moving furniture around...I'll find the office chair in the kitchen or living room - his play grill will be clear across the room - the big red wagon will be in the dining room. Is this a normal stage or does this mean I've moved the furniture around way to much?! =)
Luke LOVES playgroup. He looks forward to it so much. “payguet?” He loves all the slides, toys and singing time. He’s definitely not as shy and reserved as he first was. We usually go three times a-week.
We weren’t able to go to church yesterday, but last Sunday I was able to step out of the nursery for about 15 minutes and Luke did ok. He cried a little bit (I stayed in the hallway) and looked for me a few times, but the nursery workers were able to distract him pretty quickly. This is progress. The last time we tired to leave him in by himself, he threw such a fit that the nursery worker had to come get us. Then I stayed in the nursery with him the last few times…and now I’m trying to work my way back up to the service.
Luke is still very sweet with Will. I thank God that Luke loves Will as much as he does (and visa versa.) I was afraid the novelty of having a new baby around would wear off and Luke would become very jealous. Though he’s had his moments here and there, he’s done amazing. He loves to share his toys, hug and kiss on him, hold his hand, he was even showing Will how to do Wheels on the Bus the other day! I hope and pray these two “bruders” will be life long friends.
Luke misses Chris, but is dealing remarkably well with it all. We’ll talk to Chris’s picture or he’ll even carry it around and play with it. He also likes to watch videos Chris made before he left. I’ve been showing him on the globe and map where Iraq is, and Luke will say, “Daddy go? – Rack” Then I’ll tell him that Luke, Will and Mommy are in Germany (which he can pronounce remarkably well…”Ger-money.”)
I am doing fine as well. I have my moments, but overall, we are all coping fairly well with the deployment. I look forward to my hormones equalizing. I have to keep reminding myself that I’m only 3 months postpartum and that my hormones are still a little out of wack from pregnancy. So other then being hormonal at times and tired all the time, I can’t complain.
Ok – it’s taken me forever to write this. If it’s a little scattered, it’s because I’ve written a paragraph here and there as I have a free moment (which would probably explain why it’s taken a whole day (and then some!) to complete this blog!) =)
Luke playing with his trucks - vrroooom!
I found Luke sitting by the door (way past his bedtime) reading books from the light that came through his baby gate. What you can't see (since I had to use flash) is that it's pitch dark in his room.
Later that night, this is how I found him sleeping...
Luke "playing" with Daddy...
Will "in action" in the Jumperoo...
Running circles!
Will just taking it all in...
Cutie pie!
The other night I was reading to Luke and Will - and Luke reached over and held Will's hand! How sweet!
Luke wanted his puppy to be wrapped in a blanket like Will...
"Hey, this is my toy now!"
Yay for Jumperoo!
Luke had been watching a butterfly - it flew away and here he's asking "waa-why-go?"
The ground is very interesting!
Running feels so good!
Will enjoying the great outdoors...
I strapped Will's carseat to the wagon, loaded Luke in and we went for a little walk!
They aren't always all smiles!
Luke watching one of his favorite movies - "Cars."
The boys!
You are amazing Min!
Check out Daddy Dolls at http://www.hugahero.com/categories.php
It helped our kids with Bryan's deployment. The kids love taking their dad with us where ever we go. I hope the sickness ends quickly for you guys!
Erica Shotts
Min - I love the picture of Luke crying. He looks so mad! I would definitely go up a size in diapers if blowouts have become a daily event! (I'll never forget Luke's McDonald's blowout!) I'm praying for your health and you sanity! Much Love!
I love reading your blog, it makes you guys seem closer. You are in my prayers daily. The pictures of the boys are so cute. You are a great mom.
Love, Aunt Pam
Howdy! Even though you are all so sick....you look GREAT! I love the pics and the updates. I appreciate that you take the time to keep us informed in your blogs. I know that it is hard to find the time - but we LOVE it! You are doing such a good job with the boys! You are amazing! MOM
Thank you for the update! The pictures are great. Hopefully you all will be on the mend and ready to enjoy spring. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
I forgot the love, Aunt Lois
Your boys are so cute! We have stopped having poopy blowouts...now Gracelynn pottys so much in her sleep she fills her diaper and then some! I have tried going up a size in diapers for night time, but even then it still happens. I have been changing sheets and blankets a ton! I can't believe Will is 3 months! It doesn't seem possible.
I miss you like crazy. I wish I was there to go on walks with you and help out where I could. Much love and remember I am thinking about you!
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