Friday, April 25, 2008

The Cold Curse

Apparently we have a Cold Curse. Yes – we’ve all fallen victim AGAIN to the latest virus traveling around post. I know I always sound like a big baby when we all get sick – but I feel so bad for the boys who just can’t seem to catch a break – and I feel bad for the boys who have to put up with me when I’m sick and tired too! =) Anyway – if you think of it, please say a prayer for us. Just pray for a quick recovery. Will has been miserable for the last two days – Luke started getting sick yesterday – and now I’m getting it. Ick! Needless to say – we’re all feeling pretty miserable. Any prayers would be appreciated! Alright – off to tend to the poor sick little fellows!


Anonymous said...

Ahh - Min! I hope you guys feel better soon! Love you!


Unknown said...

Hope you all get to feeling better (& staying better)! You are in our prayers!

Anonymous said...

We'll be praying for you - Poor Babies! They probably think having a cold is normal! MA

Anonymous said...

You poor dears!!! We hope you feel better soon. I am positive that those boys will never have a sick day once they hit 4 or 5 and one day as they get older they will say, "How come I never get to stay home sick?" Mama Min will say, "You already have. Trust me."

Our thougths are with you for a speedy recovery!

Barb, Dan and Max

Andrea said...

Oh no! I'm sorry to hear that...

My husband has a theory that it takes the first year that you live somewhere to get used to the environment. Well, we have been here in Germany since Aug. 1st (almost 9 months) and I have had a cold.every.month. I am sick of it. I have never had so many sore throats and congestion . Ugh.

My mom thinks I have allergies....umm....never a problem before. So, I am hoping that there is an end in sight for your ailments! I hope you enjoyed the sunshine today..and hopefully tomorrow. Air and sun can help....if you can remember how to breathe again :)