39 weeks with Luke...(June 06)
35 weeks and 2 days with Baby Bee...(Dec. 07)
I took this picture last night, but was inspired to post it after Mom Scott sent me a comparison pic from my pregnancy with Luke. What do you think - will I go:
A. Before my due date (if so how many days would you guess?)
B. On my due date (January 17th?)
C. After my due date (how many days late?)
Luke was 7lbs 3 oz - what is your guess on how big Baby Bee will be?
A. In the 7 lb range (any exact guesses?)
B. In the 8 lb range (any exact guesses?)
C. In the 9 lb range (any exact guesses?)
D. 11lbs 14 oz? (That's actually a joke - I was so zoned out after delivering Luke, when the nurse called out "11:14!" I thought for a second she meant that was how much Luke weighed...uh, no - that would be the time he was born...!)
To give you more incentive to fill out my little poll (muhahahaha!), if anyone gets the exact date and/or the exact weight (meaning you have to give me more then just pounds...gotta throw in the ounces too) right - I will send you an authentic Germen trinket.
I'll tack on a quick update here - since I said I would in my last blog. =) Luke and I have been staying quite busy over the last few weeks.
We are almost completely done with our Christmas shopping - just have a few last minute items to pick up. We're hoping to get to a Christmas Market next weekend. I'd like to pick up a few authentic German items - not to mention, I'd love to experience a German Christmas Market first hand. Hopefully we can go and I'll have pictures to post from it.
Chris should be getting back from the field tomorrow. I'll be glad to have him back so I can stop worrying about going into preterm labor while he's 6 hours away...something tells me I'll have a quicker labor this time around - and I doubt he could make it back if I went into labor while he was in the field. Anyway - back to Chris - it sounds like this field exercise was less stressful then the last - and he didn't have to work the night shift this time around either.
Luke is doing good. He's always doing something new and cute. He's trying SO hard to say words. Some of his words are:
Kwinkull = Twinkle (he's trying to sing twinkle twinkle little star now!)
Poopy = Open (don't ask me why...I wish that poopy would equal poopy, but for some reason it means "open" in his mind. =) )
Gru-Kaa = Grandpa
Kinky = Stinky
Kookee = Cookie
Bippy = Sippy
Ahpel = Apple
Bee = Bee (he loves the Bumble Bee song!)
Doo-Da = Santa
Gu Ja = Good Job
Cauks = Socks
Guk-Guk = Quack-Quack
Crawk-er – Cracker
Hucky = Hungry
A-me-maa or nanaa – A banana
Daddy = Daddy
Mo-Mo or Mo-Ma = Elmo
Uh-oh = Uh-oh
Baw = Ball
Bewr = Bear
Doddie = Doggie
Bah = Book
Beh = Bird
Mow = More
Yay = Yay
Daw-Da = All Done
Dowl - Doll
and sometimes he'll say Mommy =)
I think he tries new words every day. It's so amazing - He just tries to repeat the things we say. Sometimes it all just mushes together - like when he tries to repeat, "I love you." It kinda sounds like, "Ahuuuvuuuu." But it's so sweet!
He loves animals - and I think we could spend the whole day going through every book in the house pointing out animals and making the sounds they make. Right now he likes to find and mimic:
Bumble Bee
Sorry I'm writing so many lists - I know I'm probably the only one that cares about these details -but if I don't write them down now, I'll never remember them when I go to fill out his baby book...which I'm months and months behind on.
Luke has become a big fan of the sippy cups with straws in them. I've started getting him a few - but don't want to transition him too quickly until he learns that the liquid will come out the straw if he just throws it on the floor! =) Right now I give him one when I can supervise closely - he's doing very well with it though.
Though Luke is cute most of the time - he still misbehaves, so I've finally had to start doing Time Out's for him. I feel like I'm on Super Nanny when I do them...=) I put him on the loveseat - with no tv or toys or anything for him to play with - make him stay for about 1 to 2 minuets. If he gets up before his time is up, I put him back and the time starts over. After he has stayed for his time - I try to simply explain why he's there ("Mommy said not to touch the knives in the dishwaher") - ask him to say he's sorry ("tell Mommy you're sorry" - which he actaully attempts to say)- give him a hug and then let him go play. The first time I did it - he threw a huge fit! He was trying to grab knives out of the dishwasher...which is something I've been trying to get him to stop doing for ages...and nothing else was working. So I warned him a few times - and finally out of desperation, tried the Time Out thing. He got up 2-3 times, but finally got the point. After his Time Out was up, he came back to the kitchen and tried to test me again with the dishwasher (it was written all over his face.) I warned him once - he did it again - and back to Time Out he went. This time he cried, but stayed his time without getting up. I've only had to use it one other time since then -and he sat quietly for his time and didn’t attempt to misbehave afterwards. I was concerned that he was to young to understand the concept of Time Out - but he seems to be grasping what it means. We'll see how long it lasts! =)
Alright, this has become much longer then I expected. I need to sign off so I can get some things done around the house. Here are a few pictures!
Just relaxing...
Dressed for church...
He has figured out he can turn on the lights he can reach...
We were out really late the other night - so I swung by the drive-thru at Burger King. Luke was pleased. =)
Here Luke is eating a "nanaa." Banana's are really the greatest snack ever!
I'll post more next week! Stay Warm!
OK my vote is for (A) maybe even by 12/31.
The weigh in would be (B) 8lbs,11oz.
You look great Mindy and you are doing an awesome job! Can' wait to see you guys in 3 1/2 weeks. Give Luke a kiss and teach him to say "Gumah" for Grammy Mom!
My guess is that you will go earlier than your due date, but not too early :). Somewhere between 38 and 39 weeks. I guess *he* will weigh around the 8 lb mark, I'll guess 8lb 8 oz.
Luke is so cute!!! We've been doing lots of time outs lately.
I'm going with 8lbs 3 oz on January 8th. (Although I am, not so secretly, hoping he'll be born January 19th.)
Jan 14th, 8lb1oz.
LOL - you know I would never wish going LATE on you!!!
All I know is that the second baby was way faster than the first. 3 hours from first contraction to baby...hope yours is quick too, but so glad Chris is going to be home in case he arrives early...I'm thinking you'll go more around January 7 and he'll be in the 8lb range
He will arrive on his Aunt Jamie's Birthday, January 23rd! Sorry Mindy!! He will weigh in at 9 pounds and 11 ounces. Don't hate, its just a guess!! Love you guys!!
I am thinking January 10th and he (or she...I am still holding out hope for that girl :-)) will weigh in at 7 lbs 15 oz. We shall see soon enough though. I can't believe how close you are getting. It is so bizarre to know that you have gone through this entire pregnancy without me rubbing your belly. Of course, you are probably grateful for that ;)
When it comes time for time outs, I will have to get some advice from you. We had her 4 month well-baby check and shots today. She is 25 inches and 14 lbs 12.6 oz. She is eating cereal twice a day! When we lay her on her tummy she moves her legs to thrust herself forward. Holy cow...I am just not ready to let go of my "tiny baby". I didn't think I would say this ANYTIME soon, but now I can understand why people have their kids close together. It's like a drug...you gotta have another one to get that "high". Then you wake up and you have 10 kids. lol
Wow...this comment is really long. Ooops.
I love you guys!!!
First may I say that I have NEVER seen anyone looks SOOO alike in their pregnancies! Oh my gosh, I had to look a this picture a thousand times to compare and really believe that they were different pregnancies! You look awesome, Mindy!!! =)
I definitely vote A - I'm going for January 12th (Amber stole my guess so if she wins then I'm gonna be mad! ha) and I vote that he will be 9lbs 4oz. (By the way, 11lbs is not out of the question - this lady here in town had an 11lbs baby a few months ago! She was not a big lady either! CRAZY.....)
Fun little poll! =) Good luck, I cannot wait!!! - Oh, and this is Teniah, it won't let me sign in with my name - WEIRD!!
Hey Min!!!! You look awesome :-)
My guesses: you'll be early (say.... January 5), and Baby Bee will be.... 8 pounds, 9 ounces.
Here's a thought :-) How about some recordings of Luke saying his words :-) Would be so fun to hear... he looks SO cute! I like the picture with the light switches - you're going to have a very hard time keeping the lights on or off the way you want them! :-)
Love & Miss y'all!
Here goes...
A- January 8th
A- 7lbs 8oz
Do I win a trinket still if I'm right?
Hello! I picked the 8th already Chris! Is the winner determined by who picked the right date and the tie breaker the weight or is it the right weight and the tie breaker the date? This is important...I need a German trinket!
Yay - voting! ^_^
I vote for January 11th - and I'll be kind with 7 lbs 6 oz
I love the Luke-Dictionary that was super cute!! ♥
I vote Jan 18th, 8lbs 14 oz.
German trinket, here I come!
Will they announce his weight in grams or pounds/ounces?
Now there's a good question...it's an Army hospital (Landstuhl) if we make it there in time, so I would say English weights.
If it's German, we all lose. Stupid metric system!
Kara – LOL! You crack me up! =) I can so see you and Chris “fighting” over this in the cafeteria at Olivet. I miss those days! =) I’ll be picking up more then one trinket...just in case. ;-)
Kara, there are only a finite number of days! Inevitably we will pick the same ones!
This is why we can't be together.
Is it too late to vote? If not.....
I think you will be early maybe January 6?
I also think he will be 8 pounds 5 ounces.
Those are my guesses.
As a speech pathologist I can tell you look is doing very well with his talking! I can't remember how old he is exactly, but at two years old he should start putting two words together....which should be very fun to hear about :)
Ok I'm picking January 6th because that is my birthday and because I've been guessing that for about 8 months now. And I'll guess 7lbs. 15oz. for the weight.
Mindy those pictures are awesome! I can't believe you are actually bigger now than at the end with Luke! You are so Pretty!
Love the pics!!
Okay, I'm guessing 3 days past your due date, so January 20th and you'll have a chubby little 7lbs 8 ounce baby, cause they always get bigger, but you don't look that big.
Love ya!
Hey Mindy!
I briefly looked at what everyone else said, so hopefully I don't guess the same as someone else. I think Baby Bee will be born on January 13 and will weigh 7 lbs. 11 oz. It is a great thing to go early!
Hope you have a great Christmas!
Hey Chris & Mindy
I work with your mom Chris
My guess is that Mindy will deliver on 12/31/07
weight 9 lbs 4oz
sorry Mindy
Luke is so cute I love reading your blogs every time you post them
Hope all is well Have a very Merry Christmas and a Wonderful New Year
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