Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Phone Service Issues…

Hey all!

Luke is down for a quick nap, so I thought I would post a quick blog and a couple pictures.

Once again I’m frustrated with Sprint’s service (which we have for our cell phones.) We’ve had signal issues here since we’ve gotten here, but it’s just getting worse. My signal bars will go from 3 to 0 in less then a second! Lately there are times I don’t even know someone has called until I check my phone to see what time it is and see there’s a message – the phone won’t even ring because the signal can’t hold! Not to mention dropped calls. Then other times the signal is fine and calls come through just fine. We just haven’t had the best luck with Sprint. I’ve always liked having a landline at home, but we decided not to get one since we’re here for such a short time. So for now, we’ll just deal with it. =)

I’m almost done unpacking. We have a few items to try to squeeze into our already jam packed storage unit, but I think we can tweak it enough to push them in. I’ll take pictures once it’s all done and get them posted.

Luke and I are both sick…again. We just aren’t immune to Georgia bugs yet. So far Chris hasn’t caught this one yet (he caught a cold when we first got here...which Luke and I caught as well.)

Luke watched his first Super Bowl! Well, watched probably isn’t the right word. We took pictures nonetheless – just for memory sake.

Let’s see, any other news I can pass on before Mr. Luke awakens…oh yes, Chris’s birthday is coming up – man he’s going to be old. =) Just kidding honey! We’re also super excited about Chris’s parents coming to visit next weekend. Chris and I are hoping to go on a “date” - while Mom Mom and Pop Pop can stay with Luke - which will consist of us going to our storage unit and taking inventory to make sure transportation delivered everything they were supposed to. So far we’re only missing our lawn mower, which the company is replacing monetarily.

Well, I hear Luke waking up, so this is it for now. I will eventually get pictures and posts up for the month of December, but so much happened during the month that it’s taking me a while to get it all written down.

Until Next Time!

Luke helping me fold curtains...I wish I could be this enthusiastic about folding! =)
Super Bowl 2007!
Luke loves his food!


Anonymous said...

What a super cutie! And by the way, Jamie LOVES the video of Luke! He started squirming and cooing so much we had to watch it twice!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you need a good signal officer in your house. I'll see if I can find one.

Anonymous said...

Thanks honey, but I'd rather you take out the trash - I'll take up the signal issue with Sprint...of course, maybe you could just call Sprint as well as take out the trash. =) Did I mention how old you're getting...=>

Anonymous said...

That's it; we're getting divorced.

Anonymous said...

Christopher Scott! When I can figure out how to delete your last comment, I will.

Anonymous said...

If you guys can't figure this out can I have Luke?

Anonymous said...

Technically, I would get Luke being the second wife and all...

Anonymous said...

And your dog is bigger and can beat up my dog! What is a grandpa to do?

Anonymous said...

And your dog is bigger and can beat up my dog!