Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Highchair Happiness!

We just got a highchair and I’m SUPER excited! We had a booster seat that worked great while we had a table and chairs, but our table and chairs are in storage. We had been setting the booster seat on the couch when we fed him, but he’s just gotten to strong and can tip it just by leaning over. So it was time for a highchair. =)

We also found the baby bath seat from our unpacking, so tonight was the first time Luke went in the tub with his seat. I still feel a little uncomfortable having him in the big tub by himself, but he was splashing so much in the kitchen sink that all of our appliances where getting covered in water, so it was time for that move as well.

Alrighty, I’m off to do a few household chores and then head to bed. I was just so excited about the highchair, I wanted to share!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You'll be happy to know that Luke's speech and language skills seem just right, maybe a little advanced! Today in class we talked about 6-9 month olds, so that was fresh in mind. You think you guys can make it to the wedding in Nov??