Saturday, August 28, 2010

New Jersey Move - Part 2

Where did I leave off in this highly-detailed series? =) Oh yeah, we all fell in bed exhausted after a very long, vomit-filled day where everything seemed to go WRONG. =)

I can't say the following day was much better. But thankfully, only the morning hours involved a child vomiting.

I took on the task of cleaning Will's car seat (which was a mess from the "sickness" of the day before)...and it was D.I.S.G.U.S.T.I.N.G. It took about an hour to get it cleaned. But the task HAD to be done before we could go to the store to buy laundry detergent and get food for our empty cupboards. I desperately needed to do some laundry (cause you know when kids have the stomach flu laundry is essential...and though we don't have a washer/dryer in our unit, the laundry room is thankfully next door) and we were all longing for a home cooked meal.

So the boys and I ventured out to find a grocery or department store. We were completely unsuccessful. Not because there was a lack of stores, but mostly because it's really confusing to drive here...even with the GPS! Who would have guessed you had to turn right to turn left? And why can I see the stores, but the signs forbid me to turn at any direction?! Eeeek!!

After a little bit of confused driving, I had to turn around and come home empty handed because the cable guy was coming to hook our cable and internet up. Plus Will was looking a little green...and I didn't want to clean up the car seat again.

We made it home and the cable guy got us set up. I made the boys a quick lunch and then decided to try to find a store again. This time I plugged the nearest Wal-Mart into the GPS...I figured it would be a one-stop-shop. It was about 20 minutes away...this may the farthest I have EVER lived from a Wal-Mart. And it's not like we're in the sticks here...this town is fairly congested and busy.

So off we go to Wal-Mart. We made it in one piece (though I did see some very interesting driving on the way.) Unfortunately once we got there, I realized it had the smallest food department I've ever seen in a Wal-Mart. I was able to find a few things (enough for supper) short of the meat I needed. So off we went to find another grocery store. After getting lost a few times, we came across a small store...but it didn't have what we needed either. By this point I was just ready to go home. Luke and Will had both fallen and hurt themselves in addition to a few tantrums...and the traffic and confusing directions were about all I could take for the day. So, I plug our apartment address in the GPS and for the life of me, I can't get in the right lane to get to the right road to get home. If you've never driven here, I can't even begin to tell you how confusing it can be. So, in my "lostness" I find a grocery store. We go in, get the meat we need for supper and then attempt to head home...go in circles for awhile...then finally we find the right road and journey back to our apartment. Phew!

After unloading the car, I head to the kitchen to start cooking our supper...only to find that the stove isn't working. I pull it out to make sure it's plugged in - which it is - but not one burner nor the oven will turn on.

It is then that I realize my entire afternoon of trying to make it to a grocery store was a waste...I couldn't cook without a stove. Greeeeaaaat. A cup of coffee was necessary at that point and I felt much better after drinking it. =)

Needless to say, I wasn't able to do any laundry that day (the laundry room closed at 8pm), and we had to eat out for supper.

(Chris reading to the boys on the only piece of living room furniture in the apartment)

The next morning, we started getting ready for our trip back to Maryland to load up the truck. As we were packing, there was a knock at the door. I guess our kitchen floor linoleum needed to be ripped out and replaced...and they were there to do it. In the process of moving all the appliances out of the kitchen (which they did) we found the problem with the stove was VERY fixable...just a fuse. (I hadn't even thought of a blown fuse...whoops!) We waited as they fixed the floor, which thankfully didn't take too long.

Once they were finished, we packed up the van (which was mostly laundry...which made me feel like I was in college again) and made our return trip to Maryland.

Only one more part left to this overly-detailed series! =)

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