Monday, August 23, 2010

The Jersey Move - Part 1

Phew! I'm not even sure where to start! It has been an incredibly busy and exhausting two weeks. I'll try to sum up our move as briefly as possible (you know how hard that is for me!) since I know that most of you won't want to sit through a minute-by-minute description of the last couple weeks.

The Tuesday before last (the 10th), the boys and I planned to drive up to Jersey to turn in our lease, get our keys and clean the apartment before we went back to Maryland to get the truck and all of our furniture and boxes. The day before, Steve loaded up the van for us (Thank You, Steve!) and Jamie watched the boys for a few hours (Thank you, Jamie!) while I did some last minute errands.

The next morning (Tuesday the 10th), I woke up early to beat the boys up. The day seemed to start off on the wrong foot for Will though. He was fussy and started spitting up (which I was really really hoping was just due to some congestion.)

We got on the road around 8:30ish and the first few hours of our trip was pretty uneventful...some whining here and there, but mostly the boys were occupied by the DVD players (one of the BEST purchases we ever made for long car trips.) A little over halfway, we stop for a potty and snack break. The boys each picked out a special snack (courtesy of MeMe and Guka's treat money they slipped them before we left.)

Because Will had started acting really tired and a little off - I took my time at the rest stop as they ate their snacks just to make sure it set well on his stomach. He didn't eat much (a red flag...especially when the snack he picked out was donuts!) and was close to falling asleep as we left (another red flag.) But I had to press on and hope that if he got some rest, he'd feel better.

About 30 minutes from our apartment, Will started getting REALLY fussy...then, like an unstoppable force, he threw up everywhere....all over himself and the car seat (thankfully I had put towels around him at the rest stop because of my suspicions so it didn't get all over the van.) We rush to the apartment complex. We get there without getting lost (a plus since the last time I tried to find the complex, I got completely turned around.) As I'm getting him out, he throws up again. Ugh. So I clean him up the best I can (in the parking lot), put new clothes on him (thankfully the suitcase was within arms reach) and try to comfort him. I grab the lease, my purse, the boys and head up to the apartment office only to's locked. And I think, "Are.You.Kidding.Me?!" I just wanted to get our keys and get into the apartment so I could give Will a bath.

Thinking that maybe they were out to lunch, I let the kids play on the playground across the street. Thankfully Will seemed to be doing a bit better at this point. After awhile, the kids were tired and we were just waiting outside and watching the office...hoping someone would open the door and turn the lights on.

Not too long into this waiting game, Luke started to complain that his throat was hurting. I asked if it was his stomach, but he was sure it was his throat...but then he threw up all over I'm pretty sure it was his stomach!

So here I am...two stomach-sick kids clinging to me as we wait outside on a hot day for the office to open. I finally got a blanket out of the van, laid it on the ground and we waited there. Luke fell asleep right away and Will wasn't too far behind.

We got to the apartment complex at around the time I had Will cleaned up and went to the door it was about 1:30pm. Chris got off work and came to find the boys and I still out on the blanket waiting for the office to open at 3:00pm. I was SO THANKFUL to see him. It was like seeing a knight in shining armor riding up on a white stallion...ok...maybe that's going a little too far...but I was thankful he was there. He was finally able to talk with a maintenance man who was able to get someone to come to the office. Finally at around 5ish (I think...I lost track of time by then) we got our keys and got into the apartment.

By this time the boys (and I) are thirsty and starving (we didn't eat lunch.) I give the boys some juice and crackers (just to see how their stomachs are doing) and of course, Will threw up all over himself again. So it was clean up time again - and this time I could put him in the bath. Thankfully!

Chris unloaded the van and helped with the boys and then went to get us some supper. Thankfully Will and Luke managed to hold down their food and when we finally tucked them into bed they fell asleep in no time.

I spent a little time cleaning (thankfully the apartment was pretty clean to start with) but it wasn't long until we crashed too...and believe me, an air mattress never felt so good! The next thing I knew, it was morning again! my goal of not making you endure minute-to-minute descriptions, I guess I'll post this as Part 1 in the Jersey Move series...and for the next post I will try to be more brief in all my ramblings! =)


Anonymous said...

Oh no, Min! That is an icky stomach bug (we've been passing it around here, too - but one at a time and certainly not in the middle of a move...with a closed lease office!!) I'm so glad you made it safely despite the icks. Can't wait to see you guys! Love you!


Steve said...

Why would you want to beat up your boys? Be nice to my grandbabies!