We were living in a small apartment in Bradley, IL. I was finishing up my senior year of college while Chris was preparing to go to SOBC (Signal Officer Basic Course.) We were extremely tight on money – so buying a tree and Christmas decorations was out of the question at the time. I had a few decorations from home, so we just decorated a little plant we had in the apartment. It wasn’t much, but it was what we had – and it was wonderful.
Who would have thought that 5 years later – we would be in Germany – with an 18 month old adorable son – and another on the way! So much has happened between that time and now. The One Constant has been our Heavenly Father – who has provided guidance through the ups and downs – the valleys and mountains – the good times and hard. We have had some amazing experiences – we’ve had some difficult experiences. We’ve relished the blessings and learned from the hard times. God has been so good to us! I thank God for bringing Chris and I together – I feel so blessed that we get to walk this journey of life together. He truly is my soul mate. I thank God for brining Luke into our world – life hasn’t been the same since – it’s been better then I could have ever dreamed. Luke has brought such joy to our hearts – we couldn’t ask for anything more! I also thank God for Baby Bee. Though we have not met the little guy yet – I already know that he is a gift from God. I am looking forward to meeting him! As I reflect on these things this season – I am reminded that God sent his only Son as a babe in a manger – for us! He loves us THAT much! I can’t even begin to comprehend the magnitude of what God has done for us. Thank you God – for all you have done – for your Love – for sending your Son! How could I ever express my gratitude?!
I can't help but wonder where the next 5 years will take us. With our future firmly placed in God's hands - I look foward to what life has in store for us.
Tonight we went to Baumholder’s Annual Tree Lighting. It was c-c-coooold. We ended up walking because we knew there would be no parking. We had purchased an adorable Christmas outfit for Luke to wear (since we knew there would be pictures with Santa after the Tree Lighting Ceremony.) So we got him dressed up, bundled up, and covered up in his stroller. Then we proceeded to the Rheinlander. They had some songs - the high school band - and some little speeches. Then Santa arrived on a fire engine! We actually almost got run over by the fire engine - but we managed to get out of the way. =) Anyway - after Santa arrived, he had the honors of lighting the tree. After that, we all headed inside for a picture. I think the whole post was there - so we ended up waiting in line for over an hour. When it was Luke's turn - he was not happy. We didn't get any decent pictures - but we didn't really expect him to be a big fan either. In 15 years, we'll all (including Luke) look back and laugh about it all. After that, we bundled back up - walked back home - and had a late supper. It was well past Luke's bedtime by the time we got him down. Tomorrow we hope to go to K-town. Chris has the day off, so we thought we should take advantage of it and finish up our Christmas shopping...not to mention there's a Mexican restaurant there...YAY! =)
Well - I'm gonna post these pictures and head to bed. Maybe I'll actaully sleep tonight...that would be nice! =)
Getting ready to go...
Waiting for Mommy and Daddy to get ready...
A closer look at his cute sweater...
All bundled up in his stroller...
Though it appears we're standing in a blizzard - we really weren’t. It was really really foggy out though...
The Tree Lighting!
Santa coming in on the Fire Engine...
Chris and Luke in the Rheinlander...
Luke and I standing in line...
Luke with Santa...see what I mean?! (Look at Santa's face - Priceless!)
Mommy to the rescue!!!
Our little family...
what a cutie!