Thursday, March 08, 2007

Road Trip...

Just wanted to write a quick blog before we headed out to Maryland.

I’ve been staying as busy as a bee trying to get things ready and packed for our trip. I swear it takes 5 times as long to pack when you have to pack for a baby…and for 3 pets…We’ll only be in Maryland for 2 1/2 days and already I feel like we have enough suitcases to sustain us for a month. I even went through and tried to repack lighter, but I only took out like 3 items that I knew we wouldn’t need. I’ve almost completely got us packed – I have yet to gather up all of our toiletries, but all the needed laundry is done, all the baby things are packed and I pretty much just need to pack up the car and get the pet carriers ready. Chris is hoping to get home from class by late afternoon (pray they don’t keep them late today), so we’ll head out immediately after he gets changed. That should put us in Maryland between 1-2:00am. So please pray for us! We’re not as young as we used to be and late night drives are a bit harder then they were when we made them in college. There will be lots of coffee drinking and silly road games…I can see it now. =)

There’s not too much else going on. Don’t forget that this Sunday (11th) is the dreaded Daylight Savings Time. Yuck! Spring Forward…goodbye extra hour of sleep, goodbye routine we’ve set with Luke…now everything will be off an hour. Yay. I am so excited. I can’t wait. I’m not normally a sarcastic person, but those statements were meant to be sarcastic. =) I don’t deliver sarcasm as well as Chris does. Anyway, back to Daylight Savings – I heard that it’s coming 3 weeks early this year or something like that, so our computers won’t change over automatically or something like that. I’m not to worried, it’s not to hard to go in and change the time, but shouldn’t that be a sign that it’s way to early to do this to us! =)

Luke is doing well. He’s 9 months old today. He’s got a constant runny nose right now. We once again thought it was from teething, but no, it’s just a cold. I think Luke will be toothless until he’s like 1 and then overnight he’ll get his teeth and be the biggest grouch ever. Not that I could blame him. I remember when my wisdom teeth came in and that was pretty painful! I have (gasp!) started giving him a tiny bit of cow's milk. I know, I know, I’m not supposed to. I should wait until he’s 1, but he seemed ready for it and it’s the only other fluid other then water that he’ll even consider drinking. He actually really likes it. I only give him 2 oz or so a day, just to keep an eye on if it will upset his stomach at all, but he seems to be taking it well. I was worried with the lactose issues we had at the beginning that maybe he wouldn’t be able to drink milk, but it doesn’t seem to bother him at all now. Let’s see, oh, and he’s started liking bath time again. This makes it much easier for us – he went through this streak where he would scream at the top of his lungs the entire bath time. It was short lived, however, and now he’s back to splashing around and playing with his bath toys. He’s doing much better with his naps this past week. He’s actually taken a couple 2 hour naps! I was so shocked! I actually got something done around the house!! He’s still not sleeping through the night. He’s still up 3-4 times a night, but I’ve given up on him sleeping through the night anytime soon.

Well, I’ve stalled on doing work for long enough. I really need to get back to it while Luke is in a good enough mood to play with his toys by himself so I can continue getting things ready.

I’ll post again next week. Thank you again for all of your prayers and thoughts for the family. We all really appreciate it.

Here a couple pictures – more next week!

Luke found out if he babbled and hollered into this play bucket it would make his voice louder and echo – he was completely intrigued by this! It was pretty cute to watch. You could see him processing it all in his mind.

1 comment:

Teniah Ashlyn said...

He is way too cute, and with each picture I like him even more! haha....Have a safe trip, and you will be in our prayers!