This may be a short blog since Luke has been pretty cranky since he woke up from his nap. However, I just put his “Thursday” toys down, so he has to look through all of them to see what he has to play with for the day – so that should keep him occupied for at least a few minutes. Chris and I decided that we should separate his toys into baskets for each day of the week – that way each day he has fresh toys to play with. It seems to be working out pretty good. Of course, as I type that he’s screaming in the background. Hold on; let me go see if I can appease him. He’s going through that separation anxiety phase, so he can’t stand to be away from me…even for a second…even if I’m like 1 foot away. Ok, I put him back in his crib. He was rubbing his eyes and carrying on and since he didn’t take a very long morning nap, I figured he’d better go down again.
We’ve stayed pretty busy this week. Every day and/or night this week we’ve had something going on or something to do. I would go into more details, but I’m sure it would bore everyone to tears. =) Tonight we’re getting our taxes done. We usually go to the free Army tax service, but this year we thought we would try out H&R Block. We’re hoping for a decent refund, but I guess we’ll have to wait and see.
This morning started off with a different turn of events. I knew there was a possibility that this could happen, but I always thought it would be when Luke was 2 or 3 (before anyone even begins to think in the wrong direction – we are not pregnant again...still need more time before we start thinking in that direction again) I don’t know if it’s been the continual lack of sleep on my part, and I’ve always been a light sleeper – even more so now that Luke has arrived, so I can’t believe I wasn’t more aware this morning. Of course I feel like a horrible mother, and I feel incredibly guilty, but there is nothing I can do to turn back time. “What happened” you ask? “Get to the point Mindy,” you say? While Luke was sick, I was letting him sleep in bed with us. Now that he’s feeling better, I started putting him in bed only if he needed to eat, and then putting him back in his crib after he was done. I just didn’t want him to get into the habit of sleeping with us. Of course it’s been a rough few nights because he really wants to be in bed with us and not in the crib next to us. This morning he woke up around 6am or so as usual for a feeding, so I pick him up and put him into bed with me to feed him. Well, this morning, I must have fallen back into a deeper sleep then usual. The next think I remember is hearing a THUMP, and knowing instantly that Luke had fallen off the bed. I am on my feet in milliseconds calling for him, quickly scanning the bed to affirm my fear while I frantically make my way around the bed to see where he had fallen. Sure enough he had crawled to the foot of the bed and landed on a small pile of towels. Of course I’m horrified that he’s fallen off the bed and it was my fault. I scoop him up checking him out for injury, but he doesn’t even cry or act phased at all. He acts like it was the most natural thing to fall off the bed. Chris hears the thump downstairs and comes up to see what had happened. Luckily our bedroom is carpeted and he did land in the small pile of towels, but still – I feel horrible. So it may be time to reexamine the way I do his feedings during the night and morning. I thank God he didn’t get hurt, but this was a wake up call to be more aware and to be more careful. So needless to say, it was a pretty interesting morning! Luke is fine – so no worries. We won’t have to take a trip back to the lovely ER yet this week at any rate. One of us could still get food poisoning or I could fall down the stairs for the 3rd time since we’ve moved in here and break a leg or something like that could still happen I guess…=)
Let’s see – I haven’t done Luke facts for quite sometime, so here are a few:
Luke is 8 ¾ months now (He’ll be 9 months in 8 days!) He is cruising around on our furniture amazingly well. He can stand up with a little boost off of the couch or a toy on the floor and even stand on his own for a few seconds! He loves to raise his arms in the air and let out a big loud happy scream. He still doesn’t have any teeth, but we’ve added Cheerio’s to his food list nonetheless. He still babbles up a storm, has the cutest giggle and smiles all the time. He hates diaper changes and lately doesn’t like bath time either. I don’t know if he associates it with bedtime or what. He has yet to sleep through the night…maybe by the time he’s 1…I can hope right? =) He can pick up tiny little things now and he’s learning how to self-feed (which is pretty funny to watch – he’ll grab a piece of Cheerio or Rice Puff and try to put it in his mouth, only to have missed his mouth which makes him stare curiously at his hand and the now soggy Cheerio stuck to it.) He knows his name and will turn to you if you call out to him. I think he knows other words too, but he doesn’t choose to respond all the time…like the word NO. He has started attempting to climb (yeah, we’re in big trouble once he figures that out) up his playpen fence. He’ll stick his little toes in the little holes and try to pull himself up. If there’s a basket or bucket in his play area, he’ll step up on it and pull himself up on whatever is close. His favorite cartoon is Higgley Town Hero’s. We try to limit his TV watching. We let him watch it a little in the morning, but then try to be good about not having it on again until evening. Of course as I type that, the TV is on in the background. =)
Chris’s school has been going good. Of course he’s not a big fan of going to school, but he’s dealing. His schedule is different from day to day. Sometimes he’ll be gone all day – other times he’ll be at home by 3pm with a long lunch at that. We still don’t know anything about where we’ll be going next or what date we’ll actually leave here – all we know is that we’ll be moving sometime in June – we don’t know to where, but we know we’ll be moving. =)
Well, I think that’s about all the news I have to blog about for today. I’m off to try to accomplish a big to-do list. Maybe I’m the only one with this problem, but Monday I’ll start off with a decent sized list, and what doesn’t get done Monday, gets moved to Tuesday, and so on so forth. Well, by the end of the week, my list is longer then my height! =)
Here are some pictures to enjoy! Hope all is going well for everyone and have a wonderful weekend!
Saying goodbye to Mom mom and Grandpa Scott
Luke is a big fan of chewing on any strings attached to your clothing...
Play time...while sitting in a box!
He climbed in here all by himself...
Daddy, why do your hands make such a loud noise?
This is how I like to wear my socks!
Until Next Week!
aw! so cute. i really enjoyed your blog.
I especially like the picture of Luke and Chris on the bed. It is SO cute. The sock one is darling, too.....well, all of them are GREAT! Thanks for taking the time to let us know what is going on. Don't worry to much about the falling off the bed incident.....things like that happen! We LOVE you ALL! Grandma Jan
Don't worry about it! Chris fell of the bed several times- can't you tell? Seriously, I can imagine your panic- Chris actually did fall off the bed once and hit his head on a heat radiator (that wasn't on)And I got hit in the head with a bowling ball when I was a toddler- No lasting effects, right Chris? You're a great mother and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. We are blessed to have such great parents for our precious grandson. Give him a kiss from his MOM MOM!
Duuuh....I don't know. What was the question again?
One more thing- Don't let our grandson eat one of his daddy's socks- That could be lethal besides the fact we know how Chris gets when his socks don't match or aren't folded correctly!!
I am sure Luke would have let you know if he was really hurt. :) I agree with mom are a great mom. If I am anything like you I will be doing great. I am getting to the point that I can't WAIT to see you!!! 3 weeks from TODAY! Love you guys!
Oh, Luke is SOOOOO cute! And you are a WONDERFUL mother - Luke is SO lucky to to have you both as parents.
Although it reminds me of a certain 'Yes, Dear' episode...
By the way - how were the storms last night? Hopefully y'all are okay!
Mindy Mindy -
Don't worry about it! If falling off the bed onto a pile of towels is the worst that happens in his life, he will have it pretty easy! You are a great mom!!!
lol, I fell off the bed at like 6 weeks old... hmmm, not sure whether that is encouraging or not ;) But I'm pretty sure I turned out okay - love the sock picture, he sure is a sweetheart!
I love how everyone has similar experience - funny how those things happen...I dropped my cousin on her head when she was like 8 months old and she's beautiful and studying to be a lawyer now! - Mindy, you are too cute...dont' sweat it, you are a wonderful mom, and I am learning SO much from your blog!!! You will be one of the first people I go to when it's my time!! haha........(oh, and I cannot believe what a cutie Luke is...gets cuter and cuter with every picture!!)
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