Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Haircuts, Flip-Flops and Colds

Can you believe it – 2 posts in 2 days! Don’t get used to this – I won’t be this efficient on a normal basis. =) However, everyone other than myself for now (knock on wood,) is sick with a miserable cold, so the computer was left free with Luke in bed and Chris on the couch.

Luke has been working on it for quite some time now. He’s got a nasty runny nose and now it’s moved to his chest. He goes from being cranky to playful to tired to cranky – well you get the picture. Chris has a sore throat, stuffy head, exhaustion – the list goes on. It’s just a down right miserable cold. I’m convinced that during our stay here one of us will always be sick. So far that’s been the story since we’ve moved here at least. I don’t know if it’s adjusting to a new environment/climate or if it’s because we’ve been going non-stop for the last year or so and our bodies are just telling us we need to slow down. All I know, is that by the time we leave Georgia this summer, we’ll be immune to every virus that’s floating around here. =)

On to other news – Yesterday it was warm enough to wear flip-flops! This is outrageously exciting to me, so I thought I would share. Growing up and living in the Midwest all my life, flip-flops at the beginning of March just doesn’t happen. But in the south I guess it does! So I dug out my flip-flops and wore them with utter excitement. The weather has been amazing lately. I think it got up to 86 or so today. That’s the one thing I’m really enjoying here.

So I finally got my haircut…then had to get it cut again. Let me fill you in on the story:

So, before we headed out to Maryland, I wanted to get my hair cut since it was out of control. I decided to go with haircut #2 that I posted awhile back. I printed out a picture and made an appointment. I was nervous because I had no idea where to go and I don’t really know anyone here to find out who is a good beautician in the area. So I decided to just take the risk and made an appt. at a salon. I got there for my appt. and waited and waited and waited. At some point my gut told me that I should just leave and get it cut another time, but I told myself I was being silly and to stay. Finally 45 minutes later, I was sitting in the chair. I noticed the beautician was eyeing my hair funny as well as the picture. It was then I knew she didn’t know how to cut my hair like the picture. I still told myself not to panic; just to take the risk and everything would be fine. Well, let’s just say the cut I came out with looked nothing like the picture I took in. She asked if it was fine and I said it was – I wasn’t going to ask her to fix it since I knew it would only make matters worse if she did. So I quickly paid and got out as fast as I could. Chris was sweet about it and said it wasn’t the best hair cut, but also not the worst. I knew it was bad, but I thought I might be able to go home and style it in a somewhat presentable way. But when I looked in the mirror I pretty much knew it was a lost cause. So I dial mom Scott as fast as I can since I knew she had a good beautician, and we’d be there in a few days. She said she’d get me an appointment, so I knew there was hope. After I hung up the phone, I did attempt to style it, but it really wouldn’t do anything. It was uneven and cut horribly. So I lived with the horrible cut for a few days and Friday morning, I finally got the haircut I wanted. It wasn’t exactly like the picture because too much had been cut off the first time, but it was close enough. The second time around, I felt completely comfortable with the beautician and she did a fantastic job.

So here are the pictures!
Bad Haircut - back

Bad Haircut - side and back

Bad Haircut - front - I tried to hide what I really thought! =)

New Haircut - front

New Haircut - back

New Haircut - side

As you can see - it dosen't look exactly like the example I had picked out, but it looks much better the the first cut I came away with!!

Here are some more pictures to enjoy!

Luke playing with his new Easter Bunny Stuffed Animal from Gary and Phyllis (Thank you so much! He loves it!)

Luke standing on his own! This is actually hard to get on film. The minute I pull out the camera, he's off his feet crawling as fast as he can to nab the camera!

Luke LOVES his Cheerios! He's doing a great job at self-feeding himself these days.

Just a comparison - Luke at 7 weeks...

Luke at 39 weeks...

I hope you all have a wonderful week!


Anonymous said...

I love the new...new 'do, Mindy! Holy cow - I can't get over how much Luke is changing. I just know he's going to teach Jamie some weird habit (like walking) while we're there! I can't wait to see you guys!


Amber said...

Oh my gosh...that haircut was horrible. I hadn't even pictured it that bad when you were describing it! I hope that Luke never gets teeth...I love his toothless smile :) The new haircut looks much better. Can't wait to see you!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that Chris and Luke are sick, hope you don't catch it Mindy. The recut "do" looks good, the lady who saved the day must be extra good.

Amber said...

Oh my gosh...I will be there in 3 days!!!

kimberly said...

I would just like to say that it looks much better on you. love it! luke is too cute.

kimberly said...

on you, than in the model in the previous picture, that is. I need to learn how to type.

Annie said...

Wow! That first haircut was attrocious! lol You look so adorable and cute in the new one though. And where is your blonde hair? lol


Amber said...

I decided to give you a message so I don't bug the tar out of you by calling constantly! I am so excited. I am getting ready to leave work and then just one more day. AHHH! Hey, I also got a song. "When I Fall" by Rachel Lampa...I had to order it though so I don't HAVE it yet. Ok...gotta go. I will probably call you again between now and then next day and a half ;) Love you!

Anonymous said...

Mindy's hair is so cute! It makes me think of a conversation we had way back in Riley. One of your friend's little girls asked you if you were going to be a Mom because of the haircut you'd just gotten. And now you are a Mama. Funny how life goes full circle.

Sorry to hear about your woes in the Gordon hospital. Ugh. So glad to hear that you are all better - at least a little.

Luke is getting so very big and such personality. It's a joy to share in his growing up. We miss seeing all of you. Next time you dead towards MD for a visit, please let us know so that we can drive to Salisbury and take you to lunch. =)

Love from Dan and Barb