Mom and Dad Scott have been planning this trip down for a while to see Luke, and it worked out because I had a four day weekend from Friday to Monday. They drove down to Augusta from Maryland (a 9-10 hr drive) on Thursday night, the 15th. Luke greeted them by waking up when they arrived at 10:30pm, and then cried when he didn’t remember them. He’s been really clingy lately since he’s stuck here with just us, and we don’t quite have the same amount of friends to hand him off to. We’re pretty much just a couple losers. And I think we’re ok with that.
Mom Mom and Luke
Grandpa Steve (1 of 2) and Luke
We spent Friday just hanging around home and the Augusta area. Mom has been walking to a workout tape, so she and Mindy both “walked” two miles in our living room. We then went on post since they’d never seen Fort Gordon - I tried to tell them that it wasn’t that great, but they wouldn’t listen...I showed them when we all agreed it was a pretty boring post. We took a walk there (another two miles or so for Mom and Mindy), and then decided to head out to get something to eat. We all went out to re-celebrate my birthday at the Outback. Luckily we beat the crowd and got right in (and also just as lucky, in my opinion, that I didn’t have to do PT the next morning. The week before, I did, and we did wind sprints – I almost had Outback three times that week). Everyone had a good time, and those jerks told on me and all the waiters and waitresses came out and sang; I did, however, receive free ice cream out the ordeal, so I had that going for me. After we ate, we went out to the mall to walk off our steaks. Nothing too exciting to report from that…I think Mindy got some jeans or something out of it, and Luke got some things from Mom Mom. I got nothing, so it doesn’t really stand out.
Mom and Mindy "walking" - yes, we made fun of them
Luke decided against the steak
My free ice cream
Saturday we wanted to take a road trip to see the sights. We were debating whether to hit Atlanta, Savannah, or Charleston, and ended up deciding on Atlanta. There’s a ton of stuff to do there, abut we were trying to be realistic and decided just to go to the World of Coke and then to the CNN tour. Not too much, right? Well, you know us. Our directions were crap - thanks for nothing, Coke and CNN websites - so we spent a ton of time we could have used sightseeing by driving around downtown Atlanta (we did discover that the new Aquarium looks pretty nice…from the outside). We had just enough time to go to Coke, which was ok, if you like looking at Coke paraphernalia for an hour and tasting the deliciousness of the Beverley bitter aperitif. Sorry, Wolf, maybe next time. There was a funny anecdote while we were in the Coke gift shop: I was carrying Luke, and Dad was pushing the empty stroller that was now full of our coats and bags. The place was packed, and with all the racks there was no room to maneuver. He accidentally lightly bumped into an old lady’s foot, who exclaimed in a nasally old lady voice, “Oooww, my foot!” He tried to joke about it and say that it was crowded, but then she told him it wasn’t funny. He said, “Well, excuse me” and she told him “Well, you’re not excused.” We spent the entire rest of the weekend imitating her. Thank you, cranky old lady, for giving us hours of comedy. We salute you.
Enjoying the ride to Atlanta
Are we there yet?
The capitol
Some Atlanta skyline
The closest we got to CNN..Mom and Dad said they were Fox fans anyway
It felt like the huge Coke ball would collapse and squash us all
My dad can't get enough, Coke
We're happy because they just gave us an unexpected military discount
Not a vending machine, by the way
How sweet
Anyone thirsty?
Coke and golf...Georgia in a nutshell
Any Lost fans out there?
My favorite samples
Also Luke's favorite part
"I would like the Momma's Pancake breakfast."
The next Michael Jordan? Not if he's got Daddy's skills...
Luke was smoked
Sunday we went to church, and then afterwards we went up to visit some relatives of ours in Columbia, SC. That’s where my Mom Mom, my Mom’s mom, grew up and where she met my grandfather during the war (that would be WWII for those of you who are not historically inclined). Her family still lives there, even though she and her brother and sister are all passed away now. Mindy met Jan, Mom’s first cousin, during my Mom Mom’s illness and funeral, so she knew them too. We had a good time with them in the afternoon, and went out to eat at a seafood restaurant. Sunday night we ordered pizza and a movie.
The SC crew (and Mom...dirty Yankee)
Watching a movie with Dad
Monday morning Mom and Dad took off around 9-10am, but not before Luke puked all over us. Little did we know… Mom and Dad never did get sick, the jerks. We guess he probably got it at the church nursery or while we were out and about – the virus is flying all around Georgia; two other classmates of mine and their families have also gotten sick. Mindy has also landed a cold, which Luke has too, and I am sure to get as soon as it’s as inconvenient as possible.
It was a good time had by all. We have a few other visitors headed our way over the next few months here, so we’re going to try and hit some more sights around here. Maybe we’ll get them sick this time. Here's some random Luke pics: