Thursday, December 14, 2006

Grandpa Steve, meet Grandpa Steve

OK, so they've met before, but not since Luke was born.

Dad came out today, only to get mad and drive off tonight. What a tool.

He actually flew into STL to drive our truck back to MD. It's holding the bulk of the stuff we wanted to hang onto - whether it was too important for the movers to take, or we just needed it for this month, he's got quite a load of stuff. Plus our dog.

He left greater Salis about 6am-ish and finally got into STL at 2:30pm.....Philadelphia strikes again. (Actually I hear people from Philadelphia have smaller brains than the rest of us. That's scientific fact. Just look at that Rocky Balboa guy.) There was lots of fog on the east coast, so he got delayed several hours. He was supposed to arrive here at 9am. So he got about 1.5-2 hrs with Luke, who he hadn't seen since July 4th. He left a little after 5pm, with Riley in tow. She looked a little confused as to why she was going for a car ride and why Mindy and I were outside the car waving, but she'll be fine...especially when she meets Mom and Dad's new dog, Kaley (sp?). So wish Dad luck as he drives back across the country. He needs to be back for choir practice tomorrow night. (Update: Dad made it to the Interstate, which was in question when he left here, and now he's on his way east. Also, he said Riley keeps looking over at him and wondering "who are you and why are you taking me somewhere?" Good stuff.)

Here's a few pictures of the two grandpas and their pride and joy.

And since Mindy won't let me do the Illinois Christmas pictures yet, and since we probably won't blog until we get to MD on Tuesday, here's one more sneak peek...


Amber said...

Hey! He was wearing the sleeper I got him...I knew those would come in handy ;) Love you guys. Safe travels!

Teniah Ashlyn said...

Good luck with everything, I know it's always stressful for a while - and I can TOTALLY relate with the the whole Army deal! They always take the best care of their families!!! ;) Love you all and wish you the very best!

Anonymous said...

He's getting so big! Super cute pictures.

Amber said...

We need an update!!! I miss hearing from you guys and seeing Mr. Luke. That's my Christmas Wish :)

Anonymous said...

Hellooo??? What happened to the Christmas pictures we were promised? We miss you guys!
