Thursday, August 17, 2006

10 Weeks Today

Little Lukey is 10 weeks today…can you believe it! All day I thought he was 11 weeks, but when I counted on the calendar, he's only 10 weeks. In some ways it doesn’t seem like he’s been here that long, and in others, it feels like he’s always been apart of our lives.

Things have been going good these past few weeks. Chris and I have both been pretty busy. I don’t really have much new news, but here's what I have...

Here are the fast facts on Luke: He is approximately 14 lbs and 24 inches long…those are our crude measurements from home. He laughed today which was so incredibly cute…it wasn’t a full out belly laugh, but you could tell that’s what he was trying to do. He still isn’t sleeping though the night. If we put him in his bassinet at 11:00pm, he’ll usually wake up at around 2:30ish or 3:00am. He’ll feed, dirty his diaper and then, of course, he's wide awake. He’ll fuss and fuss, so usually we end up making our way downstairs to see what’s on TV at 3:30 in the morning. He’ll eventually fall asleep for an hour or so (depending on how quickly he falls asleep) and wake again at 5:00-5:30am. After that, he likes to eat every 2-3 hours for the rest of the day. He likes his food! =) He's at the stage where he wants to put everything in his mouth...your hand, a blanket, his fist. He's also drooling more. Why is it so cute on a baby, but when we drool on our pillows at night it's gross? He's smiling daily, much to our delight. He's gripping like a linebacker with both his hands and his feet (he has the longest strongest toes ever!) and he likes to grab on to your finger or a blanket and squeeze it tight. He's cooing like crazy and it's the cutest thing ever. He’ll have a whole conversation with you in coo's! I think that’s about all the new facts I have at this point. Here are some pictures to enjoy!

Luke in his Swing.

Luke Dancing...

Luke after a bath.

Chris and Luke playing "airplane."

Luke's new buddy.

1 comment:

Teniah Ashlyn said...

Mindy, I love the one of you holding Luke - He looks like he is so into it! haha.......Thanks for the update! Can't believe how big he is already!