Tuesday, May 09, 2006

I'm Yard Sale-ing!

Saturday we got up early to see if we could pick up some baby items during Ft. Riley's post-wide yard sale. They do this every six months or so; the last time we sold a bunch of old stuff we were trying to get rid of (and took the leftovers to Goodwill). So at 8am (late for many die-hards) we grabbed $200 out of the ATM and headed out to find some deals.

We hit the places down on Main Post (where we live) first. Some neighbors had told us they were selling some baby things, so we roamed around to different areas. Nobody seemed to have what we were looking for. Chris had also set the ground rules that we could only get baby stuff, so we walked by several possible good furniture bargains.

After failing miserably at every sale- although we did get a little Miami Dolphins windbreaker- we decided to head up to Custer Hill, another section of post. It was like a street bazaar up there. People were selling hot dogs and drinks, and music was playing. We'd definitely started in the wrong spot, and by the time we got up there, it was picked pretty clean. So, with $199.50 in our pockets, we decided to hit the PX for lunch and see what they had.

We ended up with a new stroller and baby carrier/car seat, a pretty nice one, although Mindy discovered it had a recall on the carrier part because the handle can inadvertently come loose and throw your baby face first into the ground. Which would be funny if it happened to anyone but a little helpless baby. So we still need some stuff, but hey, we have a month right?

Tonight is our first in a series of four birthing classes. We'll let you know how that goes- although Chris is already dreading next week's class, since it means he might miss his first softball game of the season. The sacrifices...


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