Friday, May 19, 2006

Full Term Ahead!

Well, it’s 36 and ½ weeks into this thing called pregnancy. My last doctor’s appointment went well. Baby seems healthy and growing daily! The midwife said my cervix was soft and opening, so that at least shows my body is doing what it’s supposed too.

My parents arrived Monday! It’s so nice having them here! My dad did have to head back home yesterday for work, but my mom will be staying until the baby comes – and my dad plans to come back up when I go into labor. Mom and I have been working on washing baby clothes and getting everything sorted so we’ll be organized when baby does finally decide to come.

In our last birthing class we got to see videos of 2 different births…one was with the Epidural, which pretty much sealed the deal on me getting one. I know it won’t take all the pain away, but anything that helps, I’m signing up for.

I went to get my hair cut today! It’s super short and super easy to take care of (as you can see in the picture.) We’ve also been walking a lot (take note of my sunburned face) to help the baby drop…so far he’s staying fairly high, but every now and again he’ll shift low and I can breathe again…which is such a wonderful feeling.

In other news, Chris found out that he has a reserved place in the January Capt. Course at Fort Gordon, GA. So it looks like we’ll be moving in December! Other than that, he’s been playing his video games a lot…=)

Well, that’s all for now. We’ll write more next week!

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